A w ord from you r editors
Why This Special Issue T here’s a reason when a magazine devotes much o f an entire issue to one subject. In this case the reason is one man who, under God, has in our timé become the world’s clearest voice for evangelical Christianity. The man: Billy Graham o f Montreat, N.C. Billy Graham at 35 has the physical proportions o f a skinny jackpine that has grown tall on a rocky hillside. He is married; the father o f three girls, one son. A well-organized, lightning-fast thinker, Billy Graham preaches sermons that crack across his audience with the force o f a southern mountain storm. The air in front o f his intense, gaunt figure is constantly being slashed by a long, bony finger that seems to be guided in the very direction o f each o f his listeners. And each chain o f words from evangelist Graham is fastened securely to an authori tative the Bible says, the Bible says, the Bible says. This is the man we salute in this special souvenir issue. We feel honored to be one o f two magazines given the privilege o f doing an official full-length re port on Billy Graham this year. Moody Monthly covered the London meetings o f last winter. K in g ’ s B usiness is covering Billy Graham’s newest motion picture, "Souls In Conflict,” that is now being premiered across America and in England. A t the showings o f his two earlier films, "Mr. Texas” and "O il-Town USA,” over 200 thousand made first-time decisions for Christ. We believe this newest film has a far-greater impact and a more powerful message than either o f the first two. The Billy Graham film people asked us to make available extra copies o f this special issue in order that those attending showings o f the film might secure a copy as a souvenir. For many o f you this will be your introduction to K in g ’ s B usiness , published since 1910 by the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles. K in g ’ s B usiness is different in that it has more monthly columns and photo stories than any other Christian magazine. Most o f our regular features have been held over to make room for this complete coverage o f "Souls In Conflict.” Here are just a few examples o f these monthly columns: Bible word study by Dr. Charles Feinberg. Bible questions answered by Dr. Louis T. Talbot. Science and the Bible by Dr. Donald S. Robertson (a Ph.D. from Cal Tech ). A tactful presentation o f the claims o f Christ for the unsaved. This means you have something every month to pass along to friends and loved ones. Personal problems answered by Dr. Clyde M. Narramore, a psychologist with the Los Angeles County public schools. Dr. Narramore, a devout Baptist, is a widely known authority in his field. In all there is an average o f 26 features and articles each month. K in g ’ s B usiness has been purposely planned for busy people. Columns and articles are short and arranged for easy reading. You never start a story up front and then have to search for the rest somewhere in the back. Perhaps this is the kind o f magazine you’ll want regularly in your home. For your convenience there’s a handy, postage-paid order envelope on page 51. (Our regular readers may want to use this envelope for gift subscriptions.) Thank you.
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