King's Business - 1954-12

A w ord from you r editors

Why This Special Issue T here’s a reason when a magazine devotes much o f an entire issue to one subject. In this case the reason is one man who, under God, has in our timé become the world’s clearest voice for evangelical Christianity. The man: Billy Graham o f Montreat, N.C. Billy Graham at 35 has the physical proportions o f a skinny jackpine that has grown tall on a rocky hillside. He is married; the father o f three girls, one son. A well-organized, lightning-fast thinker, Billy Graham preaches sermons that crack across his audience with the force o f a southern mountain storm. The air in front o f his intense, gaunt figure is constantly being slashed by a long, bony finger that seems to be guided in the very direction o f each o f his listeners. And each chain o f words from evangelist Graham is fastened securely to an authori­ tative the Bible says, the Bible says, the Bible says. This is the man we salute in this special souvenir issue. We feel honored to be one o f two magazines given the privilege o f doing an official full-length re­ port on Billy Graham this year. Moody Monthly covered the London meetings o f last winter. K in g ’ s B usiness is covering Billy Graham’s newest motion picture, "Souls In Conflict,” that is now being premiered across America and in England. A t the showings o f his two earlier films, "Mr. Texas” and "O il-Town USA,” over 200 thousand made first-time decisions for Christ. We believe this newest film has a far-greater impact and a more powerful message than either o f the first two. The Billy Graham film people asked us to make available extra copies o f this special issue in order that those attending showings o f the film might secure a copy as a souvenir. For many o f you this will be your introduction to K in g ’ s B usiness , published since 1910 by the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles. K in g ’ s B usiness is different in that it has more monthly columns and photo stories than any other Christian magazine. Most o f our regular features have been held over to make room for this complete coverage o f "Souls In Conflict.” Here are just a few examples o f these monthly columns: Bible word study by Dr. Charles Feinberg. Bible questions answered by Dr. Louis T. Talbot. Science and the Bible by Dr. Donald S. Robertson (a Ph.D. from Cal Tech ). A tactful presentation o f the claims o f Christ for the unsaved. This means you have something every month to pass along to friends and loved ones. Personal problems answered by Dr. Clyde M. Narramore, a psychologist with the Los Angeles County public schools. Dr. Narramore, a devout Baptist, is a widely known authority in his field. In all there is an average o f 26 features and articles each month. K in g ’ s B usiness has been purposely planned for busy people. Columns and articles are short and arranged for easy reading. You never start a story up front and then have to search for the rest somewhere in the back. Perhaps this is the kind o f magazine you’ll want regularly in your home. For your convenience there’s a handy, postage-paid order envelope on page 51. (Our regular readers may want to use this envelope for gift subscriptions.) Thank you.

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