King's Business - 1954-12

Christian Education

Freedoms which do not free • intellectual • political • economic — As long os spiritual bondage enslaves

Helps for Christian Endeavor and Other Young People's Groups By Chester J . Padgett, D.D. Assistant Professor of English Bible Talbot Theological Seminary teaching the truth of God, namely that a sinner is justified by faith alone? (1:8, 9; 5:4.) 3. How is a man justified in the sight of God? (2:16.) 4. How does Paul show that the Chris­ tian life is lived by faith and not by any human effort to earn salvation by works? (2:20.) 5. What great illustration of the prin­ ciple of salvation by faith does Paul use in 3:6-9? 6. What is the force of the above argu­ ment? Is it not that if Abraham, the father of the Hebrew people, was justified by faith, then all his children are saved in the same way, that is, by faith? 7. What is the condition of the man who seeks, foolishly, to be justified by works? (3:10,11.) 8. What is God’s method of saving man from the penalty of his sin and the righteous condemnation of His holy law? (3:13,14.) 9. What is Paul’s argument in 3:17,18? Emphasize the fact that the promise of salvation by faith to all the seed of Abraham was given before the law came through Moses. The law, therefore, does not annul the promise of God, for this would make God guilty of falsehood, a thing that can never be! 10. What, then, is the true function and purpose of the law? (3:19-24.) List the accomplishments of the law accord­ ing to this passage and discuss them in the group. 11. How does a sinner become a child of God? (3:26.) 12. Does Gal. 3:28,29 annul all the promises God made to Israel as a nation? This is an important question. Remember that there is a spiritual seed of Abraham —the true believers, whether Jew or Gen­ tile; but remember also that there is a physical seed of Abraham—the Jewish people. God is dealing with both and soon Christ is going to return to earth to establish the promises God made to national Israel for the coming kingdom age. (Matt. 25:31-33; Acts 1:6,7; 2 Tim. 4:1, etc.) Jan. 9, 1955 We Study Commandments 1-4 Exod. 20:1-11 DAILY READINGS Jan. 3 — Worship God Only Psa. 95:1-6

by H. Leo Eddlsman $1.75 Declaring that New Testament faith alone can set man free, Dr. Eddleman proclaims the heart of that faith as he discusses such basic tenets as the new birth, grace, sanctification, faith, and eternal security. From his experiences as missionary, pastor, and professor he draws vivid illustrations as he sets forth basic essentials of New Testament belief. Order from your favorite book dealer B R O A DM A N P R E S S 127 Ninth Avenue» North ■ ■ H n Nashville 3» Tennessee b i h h Just off the press! A Priest Speaks His Mind! Will the United States of America become a totalitarian and a Roman Catholic nation? Obtainable from booksellers or from author . . . $2.25 postpaid Rev. W. E. R. O'Gorman, P.O. Box 1053 Glendale 5, California B R O W N "Training Youth to Live Since 1919” John Brown University Siloam Springs, Arkansas Education for "Head, Heart and Hand" Brown Military Academy San Diego 9, California Junior High — Senior High — Junior College Junior School1— 1st thru 6th grades Southern California Military Academy Long Beach 6, California Pre-Kindergarten thru 9th grade

Why the Commandments? Gal. 3:15-24

DAILY READINGS Dee. 27 — Believe In God's Promises Rom. 4:18-22 Dec. 28 — The Duty of Man Eccles. 12:13, 14 Dec. 29 — Keep My Commandments Prov. 7:1-5 Dec. 30 — Abiding in Christ John 15:1-14 Dec. 31 — Dead to the Law Rom. 7 :4-6; 8:2 Jan. 1 — One in Christ Gal. 3:26-29 HEART OF THE LESSON The New Testament tells us that we are not under law, but this does not mean that the Christian is lawless or that he is thus licensed to sin. To the contrary the sincere believer is now ob­ ligated to another and higher law, even the law of love. The law (or Ten Com­ mandments) is still the moral law of God and the expression of His holy character and all Christians will want to keep the law in the light of the New Testament commentary on it. We shall think along this line in the next four topics. STUDY QUESTIONS 1. Our text assigned by the C.E. topic- makers includes only Gal. 3:15-24, but we ought to study the entire line of thought contained in this section of Gala­ tians in order that we might interpret the passage in the light of its context. The first question then is this: What is the major problem of Galatians? (Gal. 1: 6,7; 2:21; 3:1-5.) 2. What is the awful danger of sub­ stituting the teaching that a man is saved by works of the law rather than

Brown School For Girls Glendora, California 1st Grade thru High School WRITE INDIVIDUAL SCHOOL FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION

SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON HELPS To make room for more material on Billy Graham the Sunday school lesson helps have been omitted. Those using these lesson helps may secure the ones for January by writing, The Editors, King's Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17. Just ask for lesson helps.— ED.



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