King's Business - 1954-12

REFUGEE HARVEST IN BERLIN Rev. Arvid F. Carlson*, just back from Rerlin where he ministered in refugee camps, says: “I saw the power of God at work! Those strained, lined, worried faces so deeply marked by disappointment and sorrow, will haunt me through many days to come. Almost every hand went up as l gave the invitation to accept Christ . . . The breath of God was on the final meet­ ing particularly. Some 25 out of 100 pres­ ent remained for salvation—THE REF­ UGEE CAMP MINISTRY IN BERLIN IS A STIRRING CHALLENGE FOR EVANGELISM.” Your fellowship in enlarging this fruitful spiritual and physical ministry among Europe’s millions of destitute, neglected, forgotten people is earnestly desired. Fea­ ture length sound color film on Europe, “Lest We Forget,” now being shown in California, Midwest and East. Write for a showing and for a free copy of our monthly magazine, “The Gospel Call.” *Rev. Carlson is pastor of the Mission Covenant Church in Pasadena, California, and one of our Trustees. EASTERN EUROPEAN M ISSION Interdenominational - Incorporated in 1927 Rev. Paul B. Peterson, F.R.G.S., President Vaughn Shoemaker, Litt.D., Treasurer 36 N. Marengo Ave. 48 Alma St. Pasadena 1, Calif. Kitchener, Ontario New Musical Instruments LEN JOHNSON eminent Gospel accordionist Accordions our specialty since 1932 — Sales, Rentals, Gospel arrangements. Special discount to all in Christian endeavor. 10 a.m . to 9 p.m., by appointment At western entrance to Hollywood Freeway

Y O U N G P EO P L E continued (v. 8.) What does it mean to keep the day holy? (w. 9, 10.) 16. What is the reason given for this observance of the sabbath day? (v. lib.) Jan. 16, 1955 We Study Commandments 5-10 Exod. 20:12-17 DAILY READINGS Jan. 10 — The Duty of Children Eph. 6:1-3 Jan. 11 — Truth Promotes Righteousness Prov. 12:17-19 Jan. 12 — Danger of Lust Matt. 5 :2 7 , 28 Jan. 13 — Words of Advice Prov. 4:23-27 Jan. 14 — Your Shining Light Matt. 5:14-16 Jan. 15 — Doers of the Word James 1:22-25 HEART OF THE LESSON The commandments studied in this les­ son have to do with man’s relationship to man. God is interested in this relationship just as He is in man’s relation to Himself. When sin came into the world through Adam’s disobedience man’s entire relation­ ship was spoiled—both with God and with his fellow men. Not until the heart is re­ turned to the Lord through Jesus Christ can there be a restoration of fellowship with God and with our fellow men. STUDY QUESTIONS 1. What does it mean to honor our parents? (v. 12.) See Eph. 6:1-3. 2. What promise is appended to this commandment? (v. 12b.) 3. What is the meaning of the sixth commandment? (v. 13.) Is there such a thing as justified killing? What about capital punishment and war? (Rom. 13.1-7.) Remember that God Himself com­ manded His people to war on pagan na­ tions in Old Testament times. Is He thus guilty of breaking His own law? The answer is obvious. Killing in the sixth commandment has to do then with mur­ der, not with justice. 4. Why is adultery a sin? (v. 14.) Think of adultery as a sin against God, against self, against another, against the family, against society, against the Church. See Matt. 19:1-9, etc. 5. What is the eighth commandment? (v. 15.) Look up New Testament refer­ ences to this same commandment, for example, Eph. 4:28, etc. What are some of the ways a man can rob God? (cf. Mai. 3:7-15.) Think also about a man’s time and talent as well as his treasure. 6. What is the ninth commandment? (v. 16.) Look up New Testament verses on lying and gossip and tale-bearing,,etc. 7. What is the tenth commandment? (v. 17.) What is the meaning of covetous­ ness? (Col 3:5). Jan. 23, 1955 We Sfudy the New Commandment John 13:33-35; 1 John 3:14-24 DAILY READINGS Jan. 17 —

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