Minister Meets Chief ■■his candid shot taken recently deep in the jungles of New Guinea I shows a native Chief meeting what is probably his first American, "he Chief: head of the colorful and primitive Chimbu tribe. The min ster: Dr. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Talbot read about the little-known Chimbus in the National Geo graphic magazine; immediately decided this was a people he wanted o learn more about. After much discouragement from the Australian government (officials were fearful for his safety) Talbot and an Aus- ralian commercial motion picture phototographer were allowed to fly ind then trek into Chimbu country. They arrived in time for the lative sing-sing featuring the bird of paradise dances that are as :olorful as the bird they are named after. Talbot sat in on a native feast, preached a sermon and went away oaded with gifts from the Chimbus. He also went away with one of he most unusual and colorful missions films yet produced. This 38- ninute, sound-color motion picture has been edited by the Film Dept. >f the Bible Institute of Los Angeles and is now ready for showings on > free-will offering basis. Title is, “ The Land Time Forgot.” For nformation and available dates write Film Dept., Bible Institute of Los ingeles, Room 728, Los Angeles 17, Calif. — Adv.
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