King's Business - 1954-12

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Sirs: Your article ( “Modernism and the Los Angeles Presbytery,” Sept. K.B.) has left the impression that I resigned from the Bible Institute of Los An­ geles. I have not resigned from B i o l a , but continue on as head of the Eng­ lish Bible Department. This means, of course, that I will finally be barred from the Presbytery. Los Angeles, Calif. Dr. J. Vernon McGee, Pastor Church of the Open Door Although the statement was not made, nor was it implied, that Dr. McGee had left the Bible Institute, yet a number of people took that to be the result of the mandate issued by the Los Angeles Presbytery. We are happy to correct this false im­ pression. — ED. Sirs: Are you sure you know the Pres­ byterian Church, USA? There is some­ thing ambiguous about your state­ ment, “ The majority of the rank and file of Presbyterian church members is no doubt sound in the faith.” Do you mean they are sound by just parroting creeds? There is little dif­ ference in your viewpoint from that of the Catholic church which allows no variance of opinion. If you were not . . . blinded . . . by this new cult of “ Independent Biblicism” and “ inerrancy of the Scriptures,” (a term even John Calvin himself repudiated) you would appreciate the quality of Christian character and devotion of these Presbyterian ministers. Glendora, Calif. Henry W. Esbensen, Pastor Glendora Church of the Brethren Sirs: You are “ contending for the faith once delivered” in exposing the Pres­ byterian Church, USA, in its apostate condition. We need to be kept in­ formed for better spiritual discern­ ment in these perilous times. Paterson, N.J. Mrs. D. Lyons Sirs: My wife and I are serving here in* Japan under The Evangelical Alliance Mission working with both Japanese and American servicemen. Inciden­ tally, your magazine is a real bless­ ing to the fellows who read it in our lounge here. Yokosuka, Japan James Beasley, Director Christian Servicemen's Center FROM JAPAN

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