PRAYER CALL for the LAND OF ISRAEL There is real crisis in the land of Israel today. Oppo sition to missionary work is increasing. Hebrew-Chris- tians are being persecuted. If a Jew openly confesses Christ as his Saviour, he is in danger of losing his means of livelihood. Many Jews in the land of Israel are secret believers. Multitudes of Jews are hungry for the Word of God, Old & New Testaments.
The Million Testaments Campaign has already distributed 12,500 complete Hebrew Bibles in the schools of Israel; and tens of thousands of our New Testaments in various languages have been given to hungry- hearted Jews in that land. But the surface has only been scratched! There are vast multitudes of Jews in Israel still to be reached. Our Campaign is now seeking to spread God’s Word more widely in the land of Israel than ever before and you can have a real part in it. Will you help to turn the tide in Israel by your prayers and your gifts? A special Prayer Card has been prepared with definite suggestions for prayer for Israel in this hour of crisis. Send for twenty-five or fifty or more of these cards and give them to praying Christians in your church or community. The Mil lion Testaments Campaign will also gladly send you the latest News Bulletin telling of conditions in Israel, for you to share with your friends. For a limited time an inspiring Scripture booklet of 32 pages will be sent to each donor to the Million Testaments Campaign. The cover of the booklet is a picture, in full color, of the partially-restored synagogue at Capernaum where our Lord likely taught. The booklet has a most helpful message on the Bible by Lt. Gen. William K. Harrison who was the chief United Nations negotiator with the Communists in the talks that ended the Korean War. The booklet also contains an inspiring Scripture verse for each day of the coming year. Large sums are needed by the
------------------------------- --------CUT ALONG THIS L IN E ______________________________ ___ ____ I DESIRE TO HELP KB ' | IN THIS HOUR OF CRISIS IN ISRAEL George T. B. Davis, I Million Testaments Campaigns, Inc. i 1505 Race St., Philadelphia 2, Pa. I Enclosed find $.............................. for providing God’s Word for i Jews in Israel and other lands, and Gentiles in Europe. Please send me the Scripture booklet as promised; a n d ........... Prayer Cards and News Bulletins to give to Christian people to enlist prayer for Israel in this hour of crisis.
Million Testaments Campaign for providing New Testaments for Jews in Israel, in North and South Amer ica, and other lands; and for Gen tiles in Europe. Your prayers and your help are urgently needed! May we count on your co-operation? What more appropriate Christ mas gift could you offer to the Lord than to provide His Word for His own brethren after the flesh! You will be blessing the Jews by giving them God’s Word, and the Lard will surely bless you according to Genesis 12:3.
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