On the
Four eye
trail again
Grit nod
Bonnie Jean-Louishas just launchedhis
Casselman Mayor Claude Levac has
fourth election campaign, and she is more
optimistic than ever that she can win the
nomination in the provincial riding of
support of the voters.
The community activist will represent
Elected mayor of the village last fall,
the New Democratic Party in Glengarry-
Levac has entered the race to succeed
Prescott-Russell in the Ontario election that
will be held October 6.
down after 17 years at Queen’s Park.
Asked why she has entered the political
The other candidates seeking the
arena again, she said, “I am a person who
nomination are former Cambridge
acts. We need change in the province of
Township mayor Gerry Bertrand, North
Bonnie Jean-Louis
Ontario and it is the New Democrats who
Glengarry Mayor Grant Crack and Jean
have the action planwhichwe need to bring
Lemay, president of the Conseil scolaire
Sinceanearlyage, shehasbeen interested
about the necessary changes.”
dedistrict catholiquede l’Estde l’Ontario.
in the politics and in the effects political
Jean-Louis has already run twice for a
No date for the nomination meeting
decisions have on ordinary people. “I have
Hawkesbury councillor’s post, in 2006 and
has been set yet. The Liberals have held
lived the impact of globalization,” she
Claude Levac
2010, and as a representative of the Green
the provincial riding since 1981.
comments. “My father worked 23 years for
Party in the 2006 federal elections.
Amoco and lost his job in 1987,” she says,
She remains optimistic. She recalls that
referring to the defunct factory in
the last time that a long-time Liberal
Hawkesbury. Duringa longstrikeatAmoco
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representative stepped down, the voters
in 1981, her family was forced to live on $35
changed their allegiance.
a week. “Today we still see companies that
Following the departure of Glengarry-
are only interested in maximizing their
Prescott-Russell MP Don Boudria,
profits,” she says.
Conservative Pierre Lemieux was elected.
Traditionally, the NDP has run third in
The current Liberal M.P.P., Jean-Marc
local elections. However, in the last
Lalonde, is not seeking re-election.
provincial vote, the New Democrats lost
“The federal elections are another reason
ground to the Green Party.
for the New Democrats of Ontario to be
In the 2007 election, Lalonde was re-
positive,” adds Jean-Louis. “The “orange
elected with 24,525, or 60 per cent of all
wave” of federal leader Jack Layton can be
ballots cast.
felt at the provincial level.”
Social justice will be the theme of her
current campaign, she says.
Green Party candidate Karolyne Pickett,
“Governmentsmust domore to close the
2,348, or 5.8 per cent, NDP hopeful Josée
gap between the rich and poor. More and
Blanchette, 2,301, or 5.7 per cent, while
morewe are seeing themiddle class fall into
Family Coalition member Vicky Gunn got
poverty,” she says.
339 votes.
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