BIA “very pleased”
with Street Festival
Organizershadnocontrol overabig factor.
“The weather was on our side,” points out
Assaly, noting that skieswereclear formost of
The Hawkesbury Downtown
the July 7-9 event.
Business Improvement Area (BIA)
TheBIAdirectors impressedonmerchants
Commission is “very pleased” with the
the importance of taking a street-level
most recent editionof the Street Festival,
approach to marketing. “There were more
says Corey Assaly, one of the organizers
stores that had merchandise out on the street
of the event.
this year,” he notes.
Some merchants reported that there
Assaly was among the group of business
were line-ups at their stores, adds Assaly,
people who helped to salvage the BIA after
a BIA boardmember who helped arrange
the board of directors quit en masse in
Submitted Photo
the annual sidewalk sale with BIA
December. “One of the reasons the BIA is
Constable Mario Fedele, Diane Waite
president Larry Bogue. Others reported
necessary is that it helps the downtown
that thiswas one of the best street festivals
Sauvé, (front) daughters Naomi and
he says, referring tocommercial development
on County Road 17.
Focus On Fitness
“The downtown needs to have a good
sidewalk sale in the summer,” adds Assaly, a
The Canadian Mental Health
memberof aprominent business family. “You
Association’s Oasis centre at 21
have to offer customers good discounts.”
Nelson St., Hawkesbury, offers Focus
Judging from the positive reaction from
on Fitness programs, including visits
retailers, that tried and true formula paid off.
to the gym at Club 352, Nintendo Wii,
In addition to bargains, the festival put the
a walking club, presentations and
spotlight on local talent who entertained at
healthy lunches.
Place des Pionniers.
For information, call Danika at 613-
Asked if the street festival would return
632-4924, extension 407.
Permanent salute
for Steven Waite
Apermanent tributehasbeenmade toInspectorStevenWaite, theformer commander
of the Prescott CountyOntarioProvincial Police detachmentwhodied inMay at the age
of 48.
AgraniteparkbenchbearingWaite’sportrait isbeingplacedin front of theHawkesbury
O.P.P. station. While recruiting sponsors for the District 11 Ontario Provincial Police
Association golf tournament, Detective Constables Jocelyn Sauvé and Mario Fedele
approached Martel and Sons Inc. The Vankleek Hill firm donated the monument. A full
slate of 148 golfers took part in the tournament which was held in Waite’s honour. The
proceeds of about $11,000 will be presented to the Waite family.
Family Day Fund-raiser
The Canada-Africa Community Health Alliance holds its first Family Day fund-raiser,
at noon July 30 and at 4 p.m. July 31, at 221 Chemin du Domaine, Lefaivre. There will be
volleyball, face-painting, a reptile petting zoo, barbecue and kids’ games.
Photo Richard Mahoney
Macdonell-Williamson House Events
The carnival returned to Hawkesbury last weekend, much to the delight of people of
TheMacdonell-WilliamsonHouse, 25 desOutaouais Rd., Chute-à-Blondeau, hosts July
all ages. Sponsoredby theChamber ofCommerce, themidwaywas set up inanewspot
16, at 2 p.m., awool spinning demonstrationwithmembers of the “Twistle Guild.” July 17,
this year – Confederation Park. In the past, rides have been offered in the area beside
also at 2 p.m., Roberta Histed will explain “Symbolism in Quilt Designs.” Telephone 866-
the sewage treatment facility on Main Street.
269-2962, 450-451-5666, or visit
Bienvenue/Welcome Grande ouverture Grand opening LE MERCREDI 20 JUILLET 2011 DE 11 H À 15 H WEDNESDAY JULY 20, 2011 FROM 11 A.M. TO 3 P.M.
• door prizes/prix de présence • lunch will be served/un goûter sera servi • surprises pour les enfants/surprises for kids
4229 Stewart Glen Road, Dunvegan, ON K0C 1J0 sortie/exit 51, Hwy 417, St-Isidore/Maxville T : 613 527-1501 • F : 613 527-1959
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