
As threatened in lastweek’s column, this

Dairy Farmers of Canada is warning

week we will advance gingerly out on a

Canadians to avoid being fooled by “frozen

limb and attempt to deal with bears.

desserts”dressedupas real ice cream. DFC is

Anytime you poke aroundwith an issue

urging consumers to look for the 100%

such as animals, you can expect to get a

Canadian Milk symbol on the package as a

wide range of views, and often the stances

guarantee they are buying the real thing.

are extreme. Some see all creatures as being

Go to to get the scoop

lovable and cuddly. Others see all four-

on how to make sure you are buying real ice

legged beasts as potential meals and/or

cream and not “frozen desserts,” which are

Bears: It is all


usually made with edible vegetable oils that

Fortunately, most of us are somewhere

lack the nutrients naturally found in milk. In

in the middle – we realize that when it

fact, theoilsused in“frozendesserts,” suchas

comes to sharing space, mutual respect is

palm kernel oil or coconut oil, are the very

about mutual respect

the best policy. While we continue to be

same oils consumers are trying to avoid in

startledandthrilledeach timeweencounter

their diets.

agriculture-wildlife conflicts.

Which brings us to the announcement

wildlife, we are also aware that even the

“Just because something looks like ice cream,

The changes modernize the 30-year-old

that Ontario is increasing the compensation

most docile wild animal can be lethal. Ever

doesn’tmean it is ice cream. It’softendifficult

Livestock, Poultry and Honey Bee

farmers can access for damage caused by

get between a doe and its fawn? Not a

for consumers to spot the difference,” says

Protection Act. The program is part of

predatory wildlife.

happy experience.

assistant director, marketing and nutrition

Growing Forward, a joint federal-

You know that this is a wise investment

Since this is a time of year when many

communications at DFC, Solange Heiss.

provincial-territorial initiative. “This new

because both the federal and Ontario

people venture out into the great outdoors,

“Consumers are often unaware that the

program is a positive example of

governments say so.

authorities are issuing annual warnings

brands theybuy and trust are not ice creamat

cooperation between governments and

Through the new Wildlife Damage

about the potential presence of bears.

all, but rather a lesser product masquerading

industry to create effective business risk

Compensation Program, livestock owners

As the Ontario Ministry of Natural

as the real thing.”

management programs that benefit the

will receive improved compensation when

Resources points out, bears usually avoid

Speaking of getting real, we are fortunate to

sector as a whole. This program will help


humans. Generally, you won’t see a bear


farmers recover from and prevent losses

by predatory wildlife or when bee colonies,

even if one is close by. Remember, you are a

in the region.



visitor in the bear’s home range, so do all

By supporting local producers, we not only

Minister of Agriculture. (He works with

by wildlife.

you can to avoid encounters.

get good food, we also support our rural

our MP, Pierre Lemieux.)

As an aside, as far aswe know, there is no

Public safety informationcanbe foundat


“Wildlife damage is a serious concern for

compensation for the many cats that have to help

Which brings us to next week’s theme: Gee!

farmers. Updates to the Wildlife Damage

allegedly been downed by fisher over the

individuals protect themselves, their

The good old days.

Compensation program are yet another

last few years.

properties and their pets from various


Anyway, wild animals have been

Christmas In July

wildlife species.

is working with farmers to develop

“harvesting” an alarming number of

Black bear sightings are rare in eastern


programs that meet their needs. Not only

innocent farm animals.


Christmas In July event July 25, from 10 a.m.

does this program expand the number of

Since 2009, almost 13,700 livestock

However, if you are out picking berries

to 4 p.m.

wildlife species and the types of livestock


orjustwanderingalongatrail,it isadvisable

With a donation of an unwrapped toy or a

they can be compensated for, it also helps

like coyotes or wolves in Ontario.

to take some precautions. A good sturdy

gentlyusedsnowsuit, the zoowill give a child

us refresh maximum compensation rates


stick comes in handy, when it comes to

admission for free.



shooing off pesky critters and humans. It is

Last year's event was a huge hit. Papanack



also a sound idea to be loud, so you can

was able to donate 400 toys and snowsuits to

Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural

for, and increases the maximum

announce your presence to the forest

the Valoris Services for Children and Adults


compensation rates for farmers. It also

creatures. If properlywarned, the skitterish


Speaking of farmers, as consumers, we


animalswill haveplentyof time toget away

Santa and residentswill be on hand to take

can do ourselves, and our vital dairy

a municipality processes and provides a

from you, and any other annoying humans

early Christmas wish lists. There will also be

industry, a favour if we did a little reading

$50,000 fund for strategic investments with

who may be lurking in the bushes.


before we purchase frozen treats.


Everything is cute, from a safe distance.

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Pour plus de renseignements, communiquez avec Gilles Normand au 613 632-4151.

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