New tourism promotion group in Prescott-Russell
The Regroupement later endorsed the
idea. “We consulted our members,” says
president Claude Leclair. “And almost all
the responses were favourable. Then, our
A new tourism promotion group has
boardofdirectorsdidnot hesitate toendorse
been founded in Prescott-Russell, the
the suggestion unanimously.”
counties and the Regroupement
tourism committee chair René Berthiaume
touristique de Prescott-Russell.
observes, “We are going ahead with
The organization stems from a
confidence.” However, the Hawkesbury
recommendation of a Prescott-Russell
mayor stresses that care will be taken to
economic development plan, which was
ensure that the new organization starts off
submitted to the counties in February.
on solid footing.
The lack of a coordinated and cohesive
Leclair is confident that theprivate sector
approach was cited as a weakness in the
will be eager to join the new organization.
area, where “a lack of identity has also
“The RTPR did the best it could with
caused some confusion amongst visitors
volunteers,” he allows.
to the region.”
“The new structure will have budgets
A study committee hired David
andwill be supported by staff. I predict that
Sherwood of the firm Brunet Sherwood
this will facilitate the recruiting of more
Consultants, who recommended the
members. Tourism businesses will want to
creation of a structure similar to other
join an organization that replies to their
Photo Richard Mahoney
At a recent meeting, counties council
According to Peter Blais, Vice-President
The Ottawa River is a great place to cool off, have fun and cast a fishing line.
authorized the transfer of responsibilities
of the RTPR, “We have a lot to thank the
Throughout the summer, the waterway is filled with watercrafts of all sorts, as this
for tourismmarketing, as well as financial
counties for. They created the tourist guide,
photo taken near the Long Sault Bridge in Hawkesbury indicates.
resources, to a new organization, that will
the maps and the web site. They even
be administered by a board of directors,
encouragedthe foundingofourAssociation.
School efficiency pays off
composed of mayors delegated by the
It’s just that this newapproachwill bemuch
counties and of representatives of the
more effective to market our county as a
tourism industry elected by their peers.
great tourist destination.”
Conservation has paid off for the Upper Canada District School.
The board has received a rebate cheque of $153,370, plus HST, for recent energy
efficiency initiatives.
The board received the funding through the Ministry of Education’s Energy Efficiency
Small EquipmentGrant for replacingobsoleteT12Lightingandotherhighwattage lighting
with new, energy efficient lighting in 13 schools.
Robert Smith, the Ministry of Education’s Incentive Programs Advisor, told the Upper
Canada Board that “this is by far one of the largest payments I’ve seen.” The rebate will
be used to fund additional energy efficient projects that will generate further incentives.
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