Looking at Tom Conroy, he seems like your average man of 54. However, his life story is of tragedy, rock bottom, and redemption. Conroy lived a life of addiction while in marriage. With his wife, he has three children. When he decided to seek recovery, he had to deal with a series of other life challenges. For example, he had to deal with a divorce. Conroy also battled and overcame cancer. While cancer was challenging, addiction was another beast in of itself. Despite his challenges, Conroy continued seeking his sobriety. Finally, on November 7, 2019, he reached sobriety. With his addiction recovery program, Conroy had nothing but praise. “This program saved my life! It may sound corny, but it’s true,” he said. From Client to Counselor



After changing his life, Conroy found a new opportunity: to help others who were dealing with the same issues he did. Currently, he is working as a residential manager and counselor in training. “What I have to offer is my past experience. I can relate to their current situation because I have been in their shoes. I can share with them my experience, strength and hope,” he said. One way Conroy helps his clients is by overseeing the sober living program. For example, he provides transportation for his clients, be it for working, meeting, or performing other tasks. In addition, he facilitates groups for all three phases of the recovery program. “This line of work helps the community by re-introducing good men back into society. Giving them positive life skills to propel them towards a successful life,” he said. Conroy helps his clients as well by allowing them to practice spirituality in everything they do. To him, this brings freedom and is a method to help people who need recovery. “I feel this is important because we can teach our clients much more than staying clean or sober. We can help them find peace and freedom, a new and better way to live,” he said. By helping them live their lives, Conroy hopes to be able to let them live an everyday existence without dependence on drugs. Currently, he is in training to become a Certified Addictions Counselor, which will allow him to treat more clients and work with more people. In addition, he hopes that his experiences can let him to show empathy to a community where many people stigmatize their existence and do not want to show care towards them. In addition, he is still raising his children, a relationship he’s trying to repair due to his past. “I am also working on being the best dad and friend I can be,” he said. He added that his relationship with his three children is improving daily.


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