Eighteen Days - Sri Panca Tattva's Mayapur Lila


the fruits and distribute them alone, and still I suspect that some would receive them and others would not. Therefore I order every ilIan within this universe to accept tl-ris Krsna consciousness movement and distribute it everyrvhere. ... If the fruits are distributed all over the world, My reputation as a pious rnan will be known everyvhere, and thus all people will glorify My name with great pleasure." (Cc. Adt 9.34-36,40). Hearing the Lord's words, His followers worked with unlimited enthusiasm. Under the Lord's clirection, they broke open the storehouse of love of God and distributed the fruits without consideration o[ who was lit or unfit to receive thern. They per- sonally ate the fruit and induced whomever they met to do the same. But they met with opposition. Kali-yuga was progressing. Time passed, and the numher of con- ditioned souls evading the Lord's net o[ rnercy increased. As the nineteenth centu- ry headed to a close, the brilliant moonbeams of Lord Caitanya's mercy seemed all but eclipsed by the sinister Kali. Numerotts sahallya grolrps proliferated, shadows of the glorious saihlrtana parties of the past. Only the appearance of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thikura saved the situation. He re-established Lord Caitanya's move- menr, rhen placecl it in the hands of his faithful son Srila Bhaktisiddhdnta Sarasvatr, who expanded it to every corner of lndia. Alas! No sooner had these two empowered persons left this earthly world than the rnission again flaltered. Their efforts to organize a dynamic movelnent were nearly undone. Instead of working unitedly, their followers split into factions and the movement lost its momentum. Kali's followers rejoiced. Having survived two world wars, [hey seized control of the world and plundered her resources. Even India, the bastion o[ religion, discarded her spiritual destiny in favor o[ temporal objectives. As the materialists gained strength, the devotees seemed to lose theirs. The unconquerable forward march of Srila Sarasvati Thakura's legions ground to a halt, jeopardizing the legacy of Srila Bhaktivinoda. Timely ringing of the temple bells and a full belly became the new measure of success. Lord Caitanya's prophecy of a worldwide sahhtrtatnd movement seemed no more than a wishful dream, the fanciful words o[ some medieval poet. iii

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