f igh(crtr Da1,s - 5 ri P.tfica- l(tlv,rrs Malsput-lilat
Rdsarani - A.fter a.few ltours it was time Jor the deities to open tgain. The barriers hadbeen rernoyed so everybody was allowed to cornc in and come up tlose for the first darshan of the deitics wearingTheir new clothes. Tara ancll got up on the Jirst platJorm, but unfortunately lots and lots oJ other pe ople got Ltp thert tott. It was .so pached, with camera people as well, we were just stluishecl up into a hcrll. But it was so nice just being able to see the dcities in Their new clothes-even if it was just Jor a little while. It was rcalh diJftr"ent seeing Them dressed with jewelry, clothe s, anel wigs on. I actually thinh Thay looh nicer without any oJ it, wearing plain whitc clothing. But still They wtrt cnnaiingly bt:autiJul. Srl Srlvasa Thahura wore a ytllow chadar and orange dhoti. He had three ltmg gorgeous garlands on, and his.jewclrv was shapedlihe Jlowers. His rvig r.vds vc,'y curly and hcrd Jlowers in it. He hatl cm exquisite tall turban-so beautiful. Srt Gadadhara worc a darh green chaclar and o darh pinle dhott. He had three gor- lands, and arm bands macle of flower gcrrlancls. His hair was sleeh and smooth cmd went down LIis shoulders str nicel.y. He had a medium size turban. Advaita Acarycr had the most perfect hair, brurd antl mou.stache. It was pure white and curly, it came down .just below His neclt, and loohed natural, lihe a normal beard. He also had three garlands on, and Jlower-shaped -jev,tlry. He wore a light pinlz dhoti and a green chadar. His turban wcts ct littk smalle r than Srivasa's, but made.just as nicely, with Jlowers in it. Lord Nityananda wore a purple cl-rAdar and a blue dhoti. Hc hud Jour garlands- one was a Tillast garland. His turban was fairly vnall, and not as Jancy as Srrvasa'-s. His hair was very beautiJul too. Lord Caitanya had Jour garlands-one was a lenron garland, tmd another was a Tulasl garland. He had the biggest turban It was made by the pujdri from Mexico City, Harigana Prabhu. His hair was veyy curly. It .fit Him perfectly. He wore a yellotr dhoti and a light green chadar. The expressions on all of Their .faces were blissJul, and the atmasphare was so nicc. The Arati began and the clevotees were blissJ'ul. Everyone was dancing lihe mad. Srldhara Maharaja oJJered a tray oJ ghee wic'lzs to Pallca-tdttva, and when he
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