Eightrerr I)a-ys - Sri Patrcq-ttlt!(,s M.i-l(ilr(r-lil(i
hrte yad dlryayato visnurh tefiy Arh y ajato mahhailt dvapare paricaryayArh h al au t a"d dhar i - ht r t an at [58 r2.3.52]
whatever result was obtainecl in Satya-yuga by meditating on Visnu, in Treta-yuga by perfonning sacrifices, and in Dvapara-yuga by serving the Lord's lotus feet can be obtained in Kali-yuga simply by chanting the Hare KfSla maha-mantra. Then why so much ritual in the installation of Sri Panca-tattva, who appeared to establish the chanting of Hare Ktsna as rhc religion o[ this age? one could even take the question further ancl ask, why the need for cleity worship in rhis age? -the answer is that while meditation, cleity worship, and yajnas are less relevant meth- ods o[ worshiping the Lorcl in Kali-yuga, when employecl in subordinarion ro the chanting of the holy name they make a powerful irnpression which purilies the mind and senses. Service to the deity through such rituals provides an opportunity for the aspiring devotee to engage his senses in spiritual activity. The rituals of the cleity installation procedure provide a florum fclr many devotees to be involved in the installation and have a visual experience o[ the transforma- tional process. For example, when inviting a friend [or clinner, a meal is served as a medium to errjoy that friends company, Internally the emphasis is on the relation- ship, externally the focus is the meal. Similarly, with an installarion process, our relationship with the Lorcl is expressed through specilic riruals which involve the assen-rbled devotees'senses, ancl creates an environment lor hearing, chanting, ancl experiencing the transformation in a tangible manner. -the first o[ the six installation rituals that are performed over two clays is called iodhita pafirugavya snana, a Sanskrit term meaning 'purification with live iterns from the cow.'These live ingredients frotn the cow arc: milk, yoghurt, ghee, cow ttrine, and cow clung, which are sprinkled over the deities. This process purilies the deities o[ any flaults that occurred cluring the carving. It also indicates that the
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