Eighteen Days - Sri Panca Tattva's Mayapur Lila

M.tltct'lo Spirit

tion to stuclents between the ages o[ five and eighteen. These students learn Sanskrit and English, Vedic astronomy and mathematics, Vedic philosophy, the Purdncts (as history, geography, and natural science), and Vedic culture, inclucling the performance o[ Vaisnava rituals (pu.iA, Vajnra, sairshara, mantrr chanting, etc.) cooking, music, and Vaisnava etiquette . The training students receive in this school will be clesignecl to enable them to continue their education in the Acaclemy's central college the SrI Rupdnuga Paramartha Viclydpitha, after graclua- rion. There srudents learn the fourteen books of Vedic knowledge through Srila Prabhupacla's desired courses of BhaktiSastri, Bhaktivaibhava, Bhaktiveddnta, and Bhaktisarvabhauma. Each Bhakti level is supplernented by an honors course, as well as optional advancecl degree courses designecl and established by Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thikura. The aim of this training is to equip the sttt- dents as spiritual care givers ancl leaclers. The Bhaktivedanta Academy campus where the boys live is being developed as a traclitional Vedic dSranra accorcling to principles o[Va.stu SAstra in the north east corner o[ the Maydpur Project Master plan. ln line with the concept of 'simple living and high thinking' and to maintain a sattvik atmosphere, the campus, coll- structed using traditional local methods, is situatecl in a garden setting with swimming ponds and recreational fields. The kitchen, residential and class facili- ties of the school are constructed with traditional thatched roofs and walls oI woven barnboo. A library building houses ten thousand books for stucly and curriculum development.


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