Eighteen Days - Sri Panca Tattva's Mayapur Lila

Ili8filcen Do,ys - Sri Pcrrra-l(ttr'drs Nloydpur-I1lir

ating the models that would one day become the Bft tall Panca-tattva deities. Before Milan joined the team, Bharata had tried rnaking other models to test out different poses, but cluring a flood the moclels were ruined. After some time, the clay models were approvecl, and Bharata began work on the fiberglass models. When they were complete, no decision had yet been nrade as to the casting of the deities and Their installment in the temple; the models stoocl on the verandah o{ the samadht for two vears. During this time, Bharata traveled with Bhakti Caru Swami, working as thc Art Director on the Abhay Carcm epic video series, traveling throughout Europe for eighteen months. As 1999 drew to a close, the deity nrodels were still waiting on the verandah of the samaelli. Bharata returned to Australia with Bhakta Gana. He imagined that one day, on his return to Mdydpur, he would see the deities on the altar. Krsna, it seerns, had other plans. lt was during his visit to Australia that Bharata received a letter flrom His GraceJananivasa Prabhu in Miyapur. He wrote to Bharata, "l really need someone like you to help me in the service of Sri Sri Radha-Madhava and the Panca-tarrva... I often think of you because you have a lot o[ practical experience. You also have good taste, and are a perfectionist." The casting of the Panca-tattva deities in South Inclia saw that perfectionism conre to li[e. Bharata oversaw the entire operation, and carved the finer features into the faces of a]l five deities. The result speaks for itself: a result that has taken many years and the dedication o[ many devotees to produce. "Working on the Panca- tattva deities was like the story of the primordial soup that appeared one morning in the kitchen," Bharata says. "No one knew where it had come from or who had made it. Over the years, many people came into the kitchen and added their own personal touches-a bit o['Bengali, a drop of New Zealander; a dash of South Indian, a splash of Armenian, a touch of American, a Elenerous helping ol old English transcendental vision, and a sprinkling of Italian seasoning towards the end. My job was just to stir lhe pot from time to time and mix all these


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