Manorupa Devl Dasl
6th oJ February 2004
Atter matlgala-arati it had been announced that Sri Paflca-tattva would arrive and that everyone should go to receive Them aflter the morning program. Everybody was just rushing there by rickshaw, bike, by foot, car or motorbike... it seemed as if more or less the complete Maydpur ISKCON community was engaged in receiving Their Lordships, it was truly a'family' event, and the mood was incomparable to anything I have ever experienced belore. We were all completely suspended in time, for an entire day. There was only one thing on everyolle's rnind-Srt Panca- tattva have arrived! And although 'only' onlookers, one felt so much part of the occasion. What cause- less and inconceivable mercy to be allowed to witness an event o[ such importance and magnitude!
22nd oJ Fdtruary 2004
Somehow oI otl"Ier I had the good {brtune to be in the sewing room, where for many weeks hacl been constantly'raging' an intense marathon; everything was 'huge'about it: the rneasurements (Panca-tattva's turban covers are 2.5m long eachl), the intense pressure to meet the cleadline, the devotion and surrender of the ntatajts and devotees working there. I just remember that at some point in time on that day, er.erybody jurnped up and ran out the door, just like during an earth- quake-Sri Paflca-tattva's altar had been opened and evetyone, although so intensely engagecl, took a few minutes or so to go and behold Their most beautiful Lordships who graciously gave darshan, still dressed in Their simple white installa- tion robes, without wigs even... what a sight!
23rd of February 2004
I arrived a little late for maigala-arati; the temple doors were closed and the court- yard fillecl with devotees watching the proceedings on big screens. To me it seemecl
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