Eighteen Days - Sri Panca Tattva's Mayapur Lila

Eighteen Days - Sri Paica-tattvats Maydpur-tita

Advaita Acarya Prabhu swooned in ecstasy and lifting His hands, He began to cry "I have brought, I have brought my Lord. The Lord has left His supreme abode in the Vaikuntha planets and appeared here in answer to my prayers." Saying this He fell to the ground weeping. S r1 Caitany a-b'hdgav ata Madhy a-hhanda Ch. 6, Mahaprabhu Summons Adyaita Acarya

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Il0.l Advaita Acerya's ghee bath Photo inogha Disr

D0.2 Devotees o[[ered flowers t0 the l0rus [eet of Sri

Advaita Acdrya Photo Amogha Disr

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The artistic excellence of the stlapatis is apparenl in the [ine work oI Advaita's gamsha pholo Risarani Dcvi Diri

lIl The resplendent Sri Advaita Acarya phoro Nitya-rrIrr Dcvi Disi

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