Eighteen Days - Srl PatLca-tdttvdts Mdydpur-lild
Upon seeing the bewilderingly beau- tiful form of the Lord, Nityananda wanted to taste the beauty with His tongue, drink the beauty with His eyes, embrace the beauty with His arms, and absorb the beauty with His nose. To everyone's astonishment, Lord Nitydnanda stood speechless, completely enchanted by the won- drous splendor of the Lord. SrI Caitany a-bhAgay ata Madhy a-hhanda Ch. 4, The Unlimite d Glorie s oJ Sr1 Nityananda
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112 I Derail on Srl Nityananda's gamsha photo Rasariini De!t Dasi l l2.l The lotus feet oI Lord Nityananda photo Amogha Drra
112 l Sri Nityananda enloys His maha-abhiseha photo Nitya'lrpta Devi Drisi 131.1 Lord Nityananda, the object oI Lord Caitanya's complete love Ihoto Nir)a-trfta Devi Disi
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