Eightecn Days - Sri Pcrica-l(llvd's Miryirpur-lilij
Srivasa was engaged in worshiping Lord Nrsirhhadeva behind closed doors. The Lord came and repeatedly kicked the door. The Lord screamed out, "Whom are you worshiping? Whom are you meditating upon? The person whom you are worshiping is herel" The Lord spoke to Srivasa calling out, "Oh Srivasa, all this tirne you have not known who I am. I have left My spiritual abocle of Vaikuntha and come down to this material world at your beckoning- because of your loud chanting ol the Holy Narrre, and Aclvaita Acarya Prabhu's loud calling." S rl C ai t any a-bh dgav at tr M atlh.v a -hh urtla Ch 2, Mahdprrbhu -Slnrls Stuihlrtatru trt Lhc Houst o.f Srlvnsa Pantlitu
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118.1 Ihr lotus [cet oI Srivirsir Pandita pIot,, \mrghr Drir
llB.2 Srrvasa lovingJy'nrinisttrcil to hv rhr: prlrlris phdlo Rir!xriili D.ri l)i'l!l BB.3 Srivirsa's divine Iorn smothcred in yogurt fholo \it\r lrltr Dr\r Di\i llg.l The rncrci[ul Srivdsa Pandita fholo Nillr lrl)lr Dr!r Dil\l
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