Eighteen Days - Sri Panca Tattva's Mayapur Lila

A Gslle ry oJ Photos

The beauty oI millions upon millions o[ cupicls seerned pale and ordinary next to the beauty of the Lord. His golden complexion was effulgent and His blissful face was beaming like millions o[ glowing full moons. The Lord looked down upon Advaita AcArya with great affection. Golden pillars were no match against the graceful and powerful arms of the Lord and the ornaments that decorat- ed His arms paled any gems. S t l Caitanya-bl'tagav ata Maclhy a-hhanda Ch. 6, Mahaprabhu Summons Advatta Acarya. t+0.t The arrival oI Sri Panca-tattva in Miyapur photo l']hilip IlruBalrtle HtI Sri Gadidhara's exquisitely carved gamsha lholo Nitti.lrflr llrYi Diisi Irl I Thc truck bearing the deities makes its way along Bhaktisiddhanta Road, escorted by devotees phoro.{moghr D;isr Iil.t Thc tlcrotccs [irsr glimpse oI Sri Caitanva Mrhaprabh u phoro Vrndrvrnr t-il,i DrYi Diii l+l l Unloading the caLefully packed deities from the truck proved an arduous task pholo AnroBhr Drsx


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