Eighteen Days - Sri Panca Tattva's Mayapur Lila



Dd-ys - 5-ri Pdtlco-ltllvil's

Gadaclhara said, "l have something to tell you. Sri Caitanya ancl Sri Nityananda Prabhu have appeared in this world ancl have maclc everyone chant the name o[ Hari. Now chant the most auspicious holy names o[ Hari. They'll clcliver you from all your sins." Sn Nit.vrlrrarrdu-(uritannt tu Ch. 5, Lold N i tyrur on drr'.s Mec I i rr g W ith G utl adhar a dats cr

lil l

ii0.l Sri Plrlcrr-trltvr finally standing in placc photo \rnrl,rr.rrrr I ili Diil l).1.r t,]I Sri Arlvaitr, securctl with chains, is gently


ruraneuvcrrd into plarr plrot,r !rril,rr.rl.r Lilr I)trr I),r'r

t;t l Vie rv Irorn thc prrss grrllcr,v (which is norv thc jIirrr,rrl-Bh,i!,tr rtt ril)r I r ( I u rc rd,1nl. u|. tili r\ i I Parica-taltva s tcmplc) phrto Vr ntlrr.rrrr I rli Dcri l)rsr tit l Jananivasa and Nrsimhrr Kavaca linc up thc dcrtics rvith pcrfcctl,r, cllculrtcd measurcrllcnts phrto \n,,gh,r l)i',r lri,lrl,,.,'r'transcrnrlcnlal twins.' I ana nivasa and Pankajringhri Prahhus. contcmplrtc thr [ornrs oI rhe Lordt tlttr,uAlt thc wrnrl,)$ ol rrr {'rdidhar;r's lrgs fh0lo Vr rililvrri l-ilil l)rvr I)n\l

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