Iii.r;lrtcen D()s - Sri Pcrirctr-lallvots Mayapur-lila
Lord Nitydnanda is the object of Lord Caitanya's complete love, and my heart's desire is that Lord Nityananda will reside in my heart as my most beloved Lord and Master. S rI C ai tan.y a -bh ir gav at u M adhy a-Ithtutcla Ch. 4, Thc Unlimited Glories tt.f Srt Nitydndndd
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lhr) l HH Jalapataka lVahira.la rnd Nrsirnha Kavacr Dasa rub sandalwood pasrc into thc bodv o[ [-ord Caitanva fI0l(, \\ ilnr Cruil l).r\l lh() l Using r hanana trcc stalk, Atula Krsna Disa gLtidcs Ihc rcranr'inrrta to the tlrain, whrre ir is collrctcd in buckcts l)hilto \\ilnra l,.luat I)r\i t(0l
Srivasa's urilk bath photo Nr111-11p1, 11.t1 91t,
l6t HH Sritlhara Maherrja barhes Lorrl Nityiinanrla fh(ilo Nlrrifur I)ir,r
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