A Galle ry of Photos
The Panca-tattva has thus been described in this way. Sri Gaurasundara is the form of a devo- tee, Sri Nityananda is the expansion of a devotee, Sri Advaita is the incar- nation of a devotee, Sri Gadadhara is the energy of the Lord, and Snvasa is the pure devotee-Sri Gaura enjoys pastimes in these five features. S rl C aitany a -bh dgav ata Adi -hh an d.a 2.2, The Lord's Appearance
166 I Lord Nityananda accepts the colored splendor of His abhistha pholo 5l-imi Gauri Drsi 1 67.1 Millions o[ flower petals rain down on the deities orange and yellow marigolds, red and pink rose petals pholo S)ima Giuri Disi I67 l The beaLrti[ul, sa[fron-dusted [ace oI Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu fhol(i Risirini Dc\i l)i\i 167 l Srila Prabhupida's disciples performing thc [irst .irrlr t0 the clrities a[tcr the nlrIisLha phoro i\moghr Disr
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