Eighteen Days - Sri Panca Tattva's Mayapur Lila


It is due to the generous support of the Sri Mdyapur Project Development Committee that this book came into being. I am grateful to Ambarisa Prabhu for his vision and encouragement, and I am especially grateful to His Grace Paflcaratna Prabhu, who gave me a crash course ir-r printers'specs, quotes, budget- ing and marketing-all in about three weeks flat, all with the patience of a saint. I had an idea lor a book so I startcd one, but Sri Panca-tattva had other ideas, and sent Rasarani along. I can't irnagine this book without her as co-author. She has brought to it a distinct, individual vision oI this spectacular event that is heart- warming, endearing, funny, and extremely enrertaining, in a way that only she can tell it. Rasarani is possibly the keenest'talker' on the planet when it comes to Sn PaRca-tattva-she has a wealth of memories and an endless supply of energy to share them with anyone who will listen. Thank you, Rasa... Thanks also to Sitala Devi Dasi, who edited and assisted Rasarani through the process, which dernanded she produce in a matter o[ a few short weeks. Her last minute lrantic emailing of images was typical of tl-ris kind o[ publication, and all done with eagerness and cooper2li6n-mugh appreciated. My gratitude and obeisances go to Syarna Gauri Dasi, my dear godsister, wl-ro donatecl her professional services as graphic artist, and who laid out the book. For us both, this book is an offering to our beloved spiritual master, HH Srlla Tamil KfS+a Goswami. It was a labor o[ love, ancl our first opportunity to serve together after so many years of friendship. I hope it's the first of many. Many contributecl to this book in various ways, ancl I owe my thanks to the fol- Iowing: my husbandJahnudvipa Prabhu for his assistance, patience, and encour- agement always. His Grace Bhavananda Prabhu for his guidance, advice, and for finally succumbing to email ancl entering the twenty first century. Well done! His


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