Eighteen Days - Sri Panca Tattva's Mayapur Lila

Eighttrn l)cys - Sri Pdi(o-ltlt\t's


Holiness Bhakti PurusoLtama Swami, who askecl me to sit frclnt-stage and record the events as they unfolclecl, thercby creating a lot o[ rnaterial for this book; Her Grace Nitya-trpta Devi Dasi for her commitment to her art and her selfless contri- bution ancl gencrclsity, and her keenness to give so much ol'these cleities to as many people as she can, His Grace NagarAja Disa (Editor, BTG) lor encouraging the special edition of Bach to Goclhead that resultecl in severzrl articles incluclecl here; Arjuna Dasa from Golden Avatar lor the recclrded interview with Janan.ivasa Prabhu; Ilhakta Rathim from South Africa, for transcribing lectures and recorclings used as material lor the book; ancl finally to a]l the various contribntors who are too numerous to mention, but who are includecl herein. A very special thanks must go to those who suppliccl this book with its visual beauty: the photographers. Besicles Nitya-trpta (whose images dominate the book) and Rasarani's 'cheeky' shots of the deities, there was Padn-ranabha Dasa (Philip Brugalette), who I met on the roacl at the arrival oI the truck, ancl who I lost again until three days into the layout seven lronths later; Amogha Dasa, who received an email on an account hc never chccks 'telling' hirn that his ir-r-rages were being usecl (thanks, Amogha!); Vrnclavana Lila, Mayapur's resiclent photographer. At the last minute , thanks to Mayapr.rr Dasa, who provided the spectacular in-rage of Srlclhara Maharaja on the platfonn perflorming abhiseha-a truly historical ancl memorable rnoment; Radhacaran Dasa and Thsti Mohar-r KfSna DAsa for the photos in the introduction ancl floreword respectively.

For in-rages of the installation, please contact the photographers:

Nitya-trpta Devi l)lrsi Nityar@pamho.net Philip BrLtgalette (Pachnanabha Dasa) pbrugalettC@conlcast.nct Ar-nogha Dasa Anrogha.acbsp@pamho.nct Vrndavana l-ilA Dcvi Dasi paclnralochan.acbsp@panrho.nct Riclhacarart Disa racllracaran.tl<g@pamho.rrct Rasaranl Dcvi Dasr sitala.acbsP6-0pamho.nct Mayapur Dasa Mayapur.SDHS@panrl-ro.nct -fusti Mohan Krsna f)isa 'fMK@panrho.nct


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