Eighteen Days - Sri Panca Tattva's Mayapur Lila

Eightten Da,ls - 5r'i Pdr'i(c-IGrlv0's Mal,dpur-lil.i

In The Beginning... Braja Sevaltl - Srila Prabhupdda wrote in Renunciation Through Wisdom: "At the clawn o[ modern history, the Arrnagedclon fought in lndia over a political question Iasted only eighteen days. On tl-rat historic battlefield the problem of human suffer- ing ancl its permanent solution was discr.rssecl, and this discussion was cornpiled in tlre fornr oI the Bhagavad-gitri." Now, in the rnidst of Kali-yuga, once again rhe problem o[ human suflfering and its permanent solution have been resolved in eighteen days: Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and His associates, Sri PaRca-rartva, arrived in Sri Mayaptr-dhAma on February 6,2004, and Their installarion maha- abhiseho was the 23rd February-exacrly eighteen days. The contents of this book are a miniscule part o[ the entirety o[ this event. My own contribution startecl with an email from someone I'd never rnet., a member o[ an email conference on the devotee network pamho.net. Antardvipa Dasa, from the UK, wrote: We ll, how about giving those ol us around thc worlcl a taste of whar is happening in Mayapur at the moment? I expect evcryone is involved to some extent with preparing lor the instal]ation. We kr-row nothing-just let lrs know what is happcning. So I started to wdte daily reports, giving some insight into the preparations and goings-on surrounding the deities and the altar, where the finishing touches were being added, the scaffolding was being constructed, curtains were being measured and designed, and toenails, fingernails, eyes, hair, and lips were being paintecl. I was researching and writing articles for a special edition of ISKCON's magazine, Bach To Godhead, so I was already gathering information-asking quesrions, doing interviews with those involved with the installation, and generally getting the inside story. The dated entries in this section are from the reports I posted on that conference, Granddisciples of Srila Prabhupida. I ended up writing a daily reporr lor rwo weeks prior to the maha-abhisehcl.


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