Eighteen Days - Sri Panca Tattva's Mayapur Lila

Eigifectr Days - Sri Pai,<u-ldrlr,.trs M(y..lrur-lilit

"Precious Cargo" The Arrival

As the year slid slowly into February and the cold mornings blurred into soft-sun days, winter began to shed its skin in MdyApur. The residents breathed a sigh of relief; weary from long ]nonths o[ heat and thick monsoon rain, they had welcomed the cold weather, but were now just as anxious for some sun-filled days with warm breezes. On a morning that woke lazily under a blanket of pre-spring fog, an electric charge filled the atmosphere as word spreacl: Sri Panca-tattva were arriving toclay! Devotees streamecl out o[ the ten-rple, through the main gates, and onto Bhaktisiddhanta Road, the rnain road that follows the Gatga into MAyipur. Their destination was the birthplace o[ Lorcl Caitanya (Yogapith), one kilometer from SrI Mayapur Candrodaya Mandir, where they woulcl meet the Deities. As devotees gathered at the gates oIthe Yogapith, t]re tension increased. It was hard to believe that after all this time, They were finally arriving. After a brief wait, the distant souncl ofhlrtana reached the Yogapith as the truck bearing the Deities was escorted by hundreds o[ devotees who had gorre on aheacl. Rdsardnt - I was about hulJiay through drcssing my Deities when I heard a s'hout, "RasaranT! Rasaranl! Come here, cluichly!" I was so surprised I ran outside, and Ramadevt wds there on her scooter. "What's wrong?" I said. Ramadevl said, "lf you want to see Paica-tattya yoLt have to come now!" I was stunned, and Rama was tellingme to hurry up. I ran upstairs and told my Mum and ran to get changed. because I was in my shorts and top. Whu'r I came out oJ'my room my mum \Nas talhing to Rama and they were sayitg, "They're coming! They're coming! IHEY'RE COMINGI" Then they did this really long'high-pitchecl screatn. Then we were ofJ. I left my tleities ha[-dressetl and my hair very messy. We sped through the street full speed. It was so cold. We got ne ar the Yogapit'h and nothing was haltpening. We were worried. Was it -just a false alarm? We hept gohg and as we rounded the


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