Eiglrtern Dn-ys - Sri Pairccr-toltr'c'j Malupur-lilo
was discovered: Lord Nityananda's hancl had been released from its careful packag- ing. lt crlrved, gently and softly, towards the edge of the truck. The golden fingers caressed everyone, as one by one devotees lined up to receive the first blessings and the loving touch o[ the mosr merciful Sri Nityanancla Prabhu. As the truck turned into the back entrance of the temple and rolled genrly ro a standstill, the cargo didn't budge: precious as it was, it was secured tight. No chances hacl been taken-nothing, not even an earthquake, would shift it. For this 'special load'was the Supreme Lord in His Deity form-Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, along with His eternal associates: Lord Nitydnanda, Sri Advaita Acarya, Sri Gadadhara, and Srivasa Pandita. It was Friday, February 6,2004. Sri Paica-tattva had once again arrived in Mdydpur. Rasaranl - AJter the two or three hours it tooh to get to the temple with all those devotees following along, they immediately started uncovering the deities. The Jiber- glass models were on top of the d,eities. There was also a new archway for Lord Nrsirhhacleva. When I found out what they were going to use to carry their Lordships into the temple I yvas amazed. It was this tiny wooden cart with puny little thin wheels. The devotees who were in charge said that they had put extra reinJorcement on the cdrt! Thdr idea of reinforcement wds three metal btants under the cart. This was supposed to hold up nearlv three tonnes of deity??! Now i/ the cart was bad, what can one suy about the crane to get the deities off the truck? Only three things-it was small, rusty, ancl hard to warh with. Tht devotees tooh the models ofJ the truch and carried thetn up to the sewing room, w'here they would be used Jor models to mahe the deities clothes. Some people thought that the models were thc actual deities, and Jollowed them into the temple , thinhing that whctt evLry- one was saying about the deities weighing three tonnts was jtrst a rumor. So af'ter following the models in, they went home! It was about miclday whut they started tahing Lord Caitanya olJ the truch.
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