Eighteen Days - Sri Panca Tattva's Mayapur Lila

O 200,1 B. Sorensen / Alankdra Books

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First printing 2000 copies

Authors Design €; Layout Editor

Braja Sevakt Devi Dasi 6s Rasarani Devi DAsi Syima Gauri Dasi Jahnudvipa Dasa Nitya-trpta Devi Ddsi O 2004 see A Gallcry OJ Photos section for photographers, and Arlutowledg,nents for contact details. All images copyright O

Cover Images lnsicle lmages

Selected verses and quotes flrom Caitany a-carilamrta, Sri Caitanya-bhagavata, and Bhagavad-gitr7 court"esy o[Bhaktiveclanta Book Trust O, used wit]r permission. Srlla Prabhupada Lecture @ BBT 1974, used with permission. Tarndl Krqr.ra Goswami's Paramaharhsa Thahura O used with perrnission.

Printed by Thomson Press, Delhi

Alan kt For enquiries about this book, please contact the authors at Alankara.Books@pamho. ne t

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