Eighteen Days - Sri Panca Tattva's Mayapur Lila

Eighte tn D(),s - Sri Ptntu-lotl!d's


generation artist, Milan was the one who hacl taughr Adideva, Mlrti, and Bharadrdja to model the clay clolls that later made up the FATE museum in Los Angeles. Milan had met with Srila Prabhupicla and knew what he had wantecl his disciples to learn. "They're the ones I thought should be involvecl in the casting," said Bharata. "Not me." Finally towards the end of 2001, Gangi Dasa and BhAgavatarnrta Dasa, borh long- term residents of Maya;:ur who were involvecl in thc entire pro.ject from start to finish, decided the time was right to get things done. They were keen ro revive the Deity casting project ancl see it through ro rhe end. Ganga told Bharata, "We thought we could just get on our mororbikes, ride down ro South lndia ancl get everything moving, get these deities made!" lt was to t.ake a lot more than that, but it was no doubt due to the involvement of these two devotees that things took a giant step towards cornpletion. They once again approached Devasenapathy, who sent his eldest son, Radhakrishna, to Miyapur. Radl-rakrishna discussed thc desires of the team here and showed examples o[ his previous work. Due to Devasenapathy's ill health, rhe job was given to Radhakrishna and his brother, Srikanda, and the fiberglass models o[ the deities were finally senr sourh ro their workshop. When the father saw lhe model o[ Lord Caitanya, he immediately felt a desire to come to Miyapur. He approved of the models, saying it was made accord- irrg to the South Indian scriptures that guided his tradition. He gave rhe nocl for the work to commence , telling his sons, "Take extra care with this work-it's a special project." One of the tnain contributions to the deities' form from the South lndian tradition is the ornaments and intricate engraving on the boclies o[ the deities. This was one of the conditions that Devasenapathy made to Jananivasa: that he woulcl cast the deities as long as he could include these traditional ornamental carvings. He told Jananivasa this condition mlrst be met, otherwise his entire line-hundreds of gen- slx1isn5-til/ould be cursed, since sthdpalis never make cleities without clothing. Jananivasa agreed. The result speaks for itself.


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