Eighteen Days - Sri Panca Tattva's Mayapur Lila

Et:ghlean Drays - Sri P"dtucr-.tdttrdts Ma.!dpl.r-li.la

Radkaraltt's.lncarnattpn @nd tke designs ar;e isnti^1^e. Srivasa kas flower buds with leaues o.n Hts dhotl-. Some brahmacdris got abit over-enthusiastic and pulled, all the plastic olf Advaita Acdrya" BharataMakaraia and sorneome else yelled aut, 'ttWkat da yaa t}ljLnhyaare doir,r8? Don'ttahe tke plasttc off Then. Yaa'fe not gapposed ta see Theml^ Hisbady is so beautiful. I got a nice picture of His whole dhoti. Everyone lvas so hoppy, It was quite late when I gat home, but tr was really k^ppy I was 'thcre. Pafrca-tanva ki jaya!:


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