Eighteen Days - Sri Panca Tattva's Mayapur Lila


Doys - iri Psittu-rsrlv{rs Miiynput-lilq

This is the first tinre that most of the clevotees here have had the chance to we]- come a Vaisnava who is entering his final clays in this world. The atmosphere was chargecl; it was a very emotional morning. As Maharaja was Ied into the temple, a swarnl o[ devotees followecl him. As he approachecl Sri Sri Radha Mdclhava's altar, YanrunA's voice singing the Govindaruprayers echoed around the temple. I wasn't the only one to notice that Madhava's eyes, which usually gaze towarcls the cenrre of the temple, were glancing clc'rwn at Sridl-rara Maharaja, who stoocl right at the front oI the altar. Not the imagination o[ a [ew, but the loving glance of the Lorcl upon His clear devotee... Maharaja was lhen taken to Nrsirirhadeva's altar, as Danavir Goswami led the Nrsirirhadeva prayers; then everyone made their way around to take darSana of Sr1 PaRca-t.attva. Srr-dhara Maharaja was surrollnded by several hundrecl clevotees, but the terlrple was very quiet, with asoft'lztrtana echoing the grave yet heartlell mood of the occasion. We don't know how long Maharaja will be with us, but he is asking that the devotees please pray that he may be witness to the installation of Sri Panca-tattva next weel<. Rasaranl - Everyone is getting very excited to see Pafica-tattya's installatiotr. Busloads of people hayt been arrivingfor the Jestival. At the morning program they announced that Srldhat"a Maharaja was going to arrive soon. He has cancer and they thinh he is going to leave his body. Everyone w(nt out to the front galr:.. to greet him, eyen Gulab Kali (the elephant). When the yan ciltnt, eyuyone surrounded it and had a bigktrtana to the temple. When he got out, he loohed rully siclz, but really happy. Someone said that he had three desires. One , to get to Mayapur; two, to live to see the installation oJ Paica-tattva and take part in it, and three, if possible stay flr Gaura Puntima.


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