Eighteen Days - Sri Panca Tattva's Mayapur Lila

Behincl Closed Doors

deities, and they sent me away yet dgain. Then Jananivdsa decided not to paint Their hands, and so another devotee was dropped from the team. By the Jourth day I was getting a little nervous, becaust there was not much ti,ne left. When I went again, however, they wanted to jit the curtains so they stnt me away again. That time Jananivdsa cancelled the t'eet painting-it didn't seem lihe there would be much leJt to pctint, but still I knew that it would be intense. So, in an endeavor to avoid being turned away yet again, I decided to poit'tt at night. OJ the team oJ devotees I'cl started ottt with, two were leJt-Kann Devl Dasl and Sarvyasacl Dasa, who we later niclmamed'savior Saci.' Kdnta had originally ofJered to sew Jor Srl Gaurdiga in Srlla Prabhupada's room because she heard He wasn't going to gtt an outJit Jor Gaura-pilrnima, but whtn I heard that she had many years experience in painting deities, I ashed. htr to ossist. Sarvyasacl, on lhe other hand, had none , but begged so much to be able to assist in any way that I relented. So on the.fiJth day,l trietl again. This time, there was a team of electricians drilling and erecting the lighting and- you guessed it-they s€nt us away again! Now I was really Jeeling the pinch-so t'ew days leJt to paint with products I'd never used,before, deities the siZe oJ which no one had experience with, no guiclance from the head pujari who was engrossed in a thausand other details, and an expected darshan crowd oJ 5,000-plus devoters from all over the world. Finally, the next night, we set to it. We storted at 10pm; Kdnta worlted on the feet and I worlted on the faces, while Sarvyasacl worhed Jrom the scat'folding on the hair. We used automotive paint and primer Jor pdinting the d"eities, since ordinary paint and primer are Jor iron, which reacts badly on the brass or metals used Jor the deities. We also had. to be really speciJic about the color, since you can't mix auto- motive paint to lighten or darhen the shade. Even though the deities are so huge,


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