Eighteen Days - Sri Panca Tattva's Mayapur Lila

Eiglrtccn Dtys - Sri Ptrica-lqtlr,('s M(iyapur-lll(i

altar, this time painting Advaita Acarya's toes and flingers with red lacquer. His left hand is raised, and is so close to the body of Lord Nitydnanda, at an awkward angle for painting. But by hanging onto Lord NityAnanda, I was able to get at Advaita's hand. I was eye level with Lord NityAnanda's chest; rny hcad reached right to thc start of His chest, and above that there's another two fcet, ['d guess. I'rn 5'9", and I felt suitably dwarfled standing in flront of Him. It was only natural to lay my head on His chest and pray for His blessings-so I did. For quite a while. Being around the deities a[ this time is nothing short o[ mind-blowil'rg-therers so much mercy {lying around here , I doubt I'd be able to explain in writing. The air is thick with it: I don't know where it is written that love of Gocl is carried on the breeze, but il'ever there was a chance that we'd experience that in our li[etime, it's now.. lhere is so much rnercy here, and I clon't know how to say that without it sounding clichid; it's simply a fact. All attention is locused on the deities, the installation ceremony, the big day... but I realized today, They are not here flor us to simply worship, to pray to, to gaze in awe at Their florms. (O[ course, They appreciate all that, too.) But They are here for a purpose; They have corne with Their mission, ancl we are subservient to that mission. They started it; They are the reasorl we're here; this is Their land, Their temple, Their devotees, Their cverything: it's all about Thern. Sometimes in the depth o[ my conditioning, I see it all thc wrong way arouncl: that we're here in Mnyapur, welcoming these cleities, preparing everything r-riccly [or Their arrival. Ancl o[ course e\ieryone is. But They startcd it! I am honestly astounded when I realize it's Them: the Paica-tattva, lhese five amazing personalities who walked the earth a few hundred years ago with the express purpose ol distributing freely love of Godhcad; here They are again, standing there in all Their glory, ready to engagc us to do it again. It baffles the mind to wonder what we all did to deserve this, to be a part of this; every clevotee arouncl the world, to be present cluring these pas- times oI Lord Caitanya and His associates, to be able to participatc in some way: serving bodily or through mana-sev[r.


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