Eighteen Days - Sri Panca Tattva's Mayapur Lila


Irr dist ributing lot'r ol' Godhtttcl, Cailctttytt

Nlahaltrabhtt ttnd His fl-ss.)ci(l(cs did not tortsirlt:r

wlro rvrts u fit (andidatt and whrr rvas not, nor u'ht'rc such rlist rilrlttion should rrr .should not lah( PIdc(.

Thcl' rnadc no rotrdiliotr.s. \t'hctcycr fhc.'t' gol

tht'oltportun il.y, thc meml.ttrs oI thc Pat\ru-ldttvtt

distributcd lot,t: oJ Godhaad.


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