Eighteen Days - Sri Panca Tattva's Mayapur Lila

"I Ha!c Brougltt My Lord"

tamarincl without it marking: rubbing it in with one hand, and in the other hand using a soapy cloth. Rasara4i - In Lhe aJ'ternoon, around 2:00, Tara and I were goit'tgLtp the stairs to the .se wing rolm ond the rloor to Paica-tattva's altctr was wide open, and there was wttter pouring ont! We were so surprised. We walhed thrttugh the water, und loohed inside the door. There was Bfaia Sevuht, Bhaltta Gana, Vrndavana Lllir. Gcrhga Prabhtt, Paihajanghri and Janatriyasa Prrthhus, KAntu Devl, and a t'ew othu devo- trcs, polishingPunca-tattva! We were so cunazrtl. Nobody seenteelto notice tls, so we just slipped insicle ancl slttttd on the sandbag,s in.front of Advoita Acerya. We were standing t'hert jor a while just watching, wishing tve could help, and hopittg no one wotrld hich us out. Then Pahhajaighri Prab'htt catne and gave me abag Jull of .ftesh towels. So I was stanelingthere, waiting.l'or someone to tell me they neecled tolvels. We stood there for a whilt: longer, ancl finally I .iust thought, eth what the hech-I'm ashing! So when I got tfu chance, I ashtd Brqa if we could help. She was rrrshirrg uround really Jast, cloing Advaita Acarya. But, she stopped for a second anel saicl, 'Well, ca,'t you worh hard antl .fast?" We saitl, "\'ep," so she said, "Well, you need sonre torye ls. I don't know whtrt emy totyels are." She loohed crrouncl, ancl when she lottlted bach at mt, I hdd up the bag of totrels. And she was lihe , "Oh, great-I nrecl one!" So, Tdra tnd I grabbed two towels, and Braja said we should do Advaita Acdrycr with her. We immedicrtdy startecl polishing his legs with the towels. We did one leg each. It was hard to get (trotottl Lo the bach oJ hi.s legs becattse oJ the scalJolding set up Jor the bathtug. At.l'irst, we sc)rt oJ tried not to get Jully wet, but then aJ'te r a minute we gave up. AJter ubout Jivc minutes, wt were completely soahed. Advaita's kgs are so big, and he has nldssive thighs. We were using tamarind and soapy watu to scrub tltenr. It was rmlly harcl to polish, though, ancl we had to use all o.f ow' strength. Water was pouring down in gallons on tht deities and us. Tara and I were mostly worhing arotrnd the baclt oJ the deities, under the scafJolding, so it was even worse-we hacl everythhg pouring down on us through the crachs, and the wctter


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