Eighteen Days - Sri Panca Tattva's Mayapur Lila

"l Havc Brought My Lord"'

ancl godbrother, Sydma Gauri Ddsi and her husband Nanda KiSora Prabhu, from Jaganndth Puri. We were dancing like rnad. caught up in the rnost ecstatic lirtana ISKCON has most likely seen in a long time: thousands upon thousands of voices, all bursting with emotion and exciternent and anticipation. This moocl is one that can't be bought anyrvhere: there will be hunclreds, thousands, millions ol lirtanas in front o[ these deities in the future; there will be an amazing Gaura-purnima [es- tival here this year, wonderful htrtanas, thousands o[devotees. But this mood, warting for Parlca-tattva to arrive, to show Themselves-never, ever again would this feeling exist in the heerrts of everyone there. It was an anticipation that was almost too rnuch....so we waited. Hal[ an hour passed, and Syima Gauri turned to me and yelled, "Where are They?l Tell Them to hurryl" I laughed ancl yelled at the top of my lungs, "GAURANGAII!!" and right at that moment, the massive altar doors moved an inch. The crowd went absolutely ballistic. The screaming, the hys- teria. was flrom out of this world. There is nothing to compare it to, no words to use; it was straight from the spiritual world. We were in the spiritual world. But that little crack oilight from "the other side" was a teaser... and then again it came, and again the screams and shouts of "ioy were deafening, numbing... the hlrtana increased in fervor, the devotees-literally thousands and thousands-went crazy, jumping and leaping ancl crying. Ancl we hadn't seen Their Lordships yet... And then, without a molrrentrs notice , after all the anticipation, suddenly the cur- tains were whisked open... ancl there They were. The crowd went through the roof the screams of .ioy, the cleafening roar that went up cracked the sky, brought every single person in the room to tears, and carried like a wave around ancl around the roonl, repeateclly, again and again-it.just didnot stop. It was a roar from another plane. And, oh, that vision: if I were only blessed with the ability to write solne- thir:rg that would clo it justice: live forms o[sheer bliss, beauty, mercy... there They finally were, hands high, showering Their love on everyone. The crowd was in ecstasy. Have you been in an ecstatic hlrtuna? Remember the feeling? Well, multi- ply that by something like a million times... there is seriously nothing to describe how everyone in that room felt. Everyone was crying, laughing, hugging absolute


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