Eighteen Days - Sri Panca Tattva's Mayapur Lila

"l Havc Irrought My Lord"

saw so mony devotees there crying, and jumping-although I don't hnow how they found any space to jump. Me and Tara were already so hyper from polishing the deities, so when the deities opened we got even more hyper. We Jelt lihe we were just going to burst, we were so hoppy. AJter a while, it got too hot and stulfy in there, and we were being squished and I have astltma, so we pushed our way out of the crowd, and went out of the temple. I didn't see them bring the cow in, but Tara said that as we were leavingshe saw thembringingin alittle calf to putbefore the deities. That's why everyone wcts pushingbachwards and squishing us because they were trying to mahe room Jor the cow to come in. Nrsirhhadeva told us later that the cow fainted. We ran home so Jast, it was lilte we were on oltr bihes. We had to gat rid of some of the energy. It was lihe we had eaten one tonne oJ solid sugar lollies each. Then to add to it, when we got home, we had a cup oJ Sprite each. When we cooled down a bit, and got some Jres'h air, wt went bach to the temple , but the deities had already closed again. Then we went to bed, but I couldn't get to sleep. Jaya Jaya SrI Pafica-tattva! !

Bhaktisiddhanta Swami (Mayapur - IN) 22-Feb-0415:53 +0530 ISKCON WILL NEVER BE THE SAME

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In the evening o[Sri Paflca-tattva adivasa installation, the curtains opened and here the Lords saw for the first time Their fan club of earthly servitors, and these dependents received the first darshan of their Sri Pahca-tattva. Pandemonium broke out amidst the lzlrtana led by HH BB Govinda Maharaja and accompanied by a rnelodious orchestra of arnplified flutes, violin, saxophone, and a team of mrdai-


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