Eighteen Days - Sri Panca Tattva's Mayapur Lila

"I Hove Brought My Lord"

Then the elders began to offer different articles of worship to Their Lordships, some almost standing on their tiptoes to bring a flower to the nose of each deity. A roar calne from the crowd as HH Sridhara Maharaja, assisted by Jananivdsa Prabhu, struggled with whatever strength he had to bring the offering plate up to the Lord's face, and as he was able to complete the linal inches, another cheer came from the multitudes below, for here was a gelleral returning flrom the battlefield to make a few final offerings in this body before he returns to his Lord. He then sat on the outcr altar, looking clown at the grouud in sober contemplation. The big wooden altar doors then closed, rnu{fling the loud ldrtana outside. Then Ambarisa and Svavasa Prabhus and Bhakti-tirtha Maharaja walked across the scaf- folding erected behind the deities to tie sacred threads on Their wrists. Fivc Tr,rlasi plants were placed in front ol'the Lords, and then all those assembled there touchecl the lotus limbs of the Paflca-tattva-starting with Advaita Acdrya's lotus [eet-before leaving the altar. With an outstretched hand, one could only cover three of the toes at a time. Everyone would gaze Llpward into the flace o[ each [-ord and irnagine what it was like to be standing before this personality 500 years ago during Their rnanifest pastimes. This type of clarshan undoubtedly transports one to a diflferent dimension. All the individual and collective tests oI the past are sure- ly a small price to pay to behold such a vision. The final evening offering took place as Ainclra Prabhu began a most incredible maha-mantr"a safari, supported by horns and large drutnmer cymbals. He weaved through a tapestry of n-relodies, shifting thc speecls, beckoning the main kirtaniers to sing with him, calling out, "Corne on help mel," providing a more powerful punch to rhe lead. One coulcl see how in Lorcl Caitanya's tinlc that without tnicro- phones, amplifiers and speakers, the main singer could project his voice with the aid of others. HH Bhaktimdrga Swami led a human train around the temple, while Aindra jumped up and down on the stage with flower petals cascading down from his garland onto the harrnonium keys. With upraised hands, everyone would clap and chant more loudly. As he Ieft the stage many paid their full daldavats,


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