Eighteen Days - Sri Panca Tattva's Mayapur Lila

Eighte rn Days - Sri Pali,c!-tfltl!(,.T Mnydpur-llln


The curtains just opened, and here we are with Sri Panca-tattval Everyone is shouting'JAYA!! HARIBOLI! GAURANGAI!!" Ir's pandemonium in herel what a wonderful celebration, and the deities lool< absolutely beautiful, so golden and shiny and cornpletely blissful... On the scafflolding above Their heads is Srldhara Mahalrija. He's very, very weak, but he's been helped up onto the scaffolcling that overlooks the deities. Jananivasa ancl PankajAnghri Prabhlrs are stancling in front o{' the deities, offering rrays of aus- picious items to Thern... it's wild rn herel Aindra Prabhu has just comrnenced lerrr tanawith his group from Vrndavana, and his unique voice resounds all around the temple. The atmosl:here just reached fever pitch as the main entrance was opened, and hunclreds oI devotees spillecl into the darshan area. I'nr standing to the side of the altar where I can see only Advaita, Nityinanda ancl Caitanya, but syarna Gauri, who is going to be sending images every few rninLltes, is nrovir-rg around the altar and she will take pictures as it is ha;rpening. Her husband, Nanda Kisora prabhu, has his laptop set up right next to me, and he'll trim the irnages so they can be uploadecl fast, drop thern onto a magic stick, give it to me, and l'll send them with the text. Kalavatl Devi Dasi is sitting up in tl-re micldle of the night in the United states, waiting for my images and text, so she can upload tcl the website www.maydpur.inJo. Phanisvara Prabhu is also sitting here in Mayapur, at a different location from the installation, missing the entire event live so that he can upload the inrages to www.maydpurnews.colrr. They are both doing this so everyone arouncl tlre world can watch the maha-abhi-selia as it happens. At the nloment, pularls are lighting five plates o[ghee wicks, each silver plare holding multiple thick, huge wicks. These plates will be rhe firsr offering to the Deities, and are now being given to Ambarisa Prabhu ancl his wil'e, Svaha Devi, to offer. Olfering the other three plates are Mdlati and ViSikha Devr Dasis, borh Srila Prabhupada's dear daughters, and Mr. Bhattaclrarya, a major donor ro rhe Maydpur Temple Project. They are each standing in flront of one deiry, offering the silver


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