Eighteen Days - Sri Panca Tattva's Mayapur Lila

Eightttn Da-ys - Sri Pairra-t(ltva's Mn.vdpur-lild

yellow. lt was sooo beautiJul. The altdr steps became multi-colored. I tooh a photo oJ it. lt loohed so amazing. They didn't have much of those colors. so I was in u rush to get photos oJ it, but I only got one or two good ones. Then they did the best oJ all.lt was pomegrqnate juice. lmagine how many pome- granates they must have used to get all that liquid! There were pomegranate seeds bouncing oJf the top of Their heads. It wcrs a really beautiJul reddish pinh color. Then they Jlicheel saJJron powder on the dtities using a brush made Jrom the end oJ a cow's tail. They were absolutely covered in powder, and it loohed amazing.


The hlrtana is going on wilder and wilder, the devotees are chanting Iouder and louder, and if possible, the deities are becoming more and rnore beautiful with each kalash of liquid that is poured over Them. These images are truly amazingl Their bodies are shining like Iiquid gold; Their smiles are growing wider by the moment; Their eyes are sparkling, it's a truly wondrous sight. Now the pujarls are holding the sahusra-ytdna pots over the heads of the deities: trays with a thousand holes that rinse Their bodies. . . this is the final part of the abhiseha, and it is with anticipation that everyone is watching, waiting for the pouring to start. .. pA.jaris are lined up on the scaffolding waiting for the signal, the Wrtana is going through the roof, and everyone is crowding the altar, waiting for the transcendental shower to begin... Rdsardnr - BB Govinda Maharaja tuoh oyer the kirtana and it piched up and the devotees wcre getlingmore and more excited, singfuglouder and louder. Even though everyone was still sitting down to watch, their arms were raised in the air ancl they were swaying and singing really blissJully. Then sweet water was poured over the deities. You could tell it was sweet water because it loohed a little dfJerent Jrom normal water. Then ghee was poured, and it


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