King's Business - 1946-09

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SUBSCRIBERS— PLEASE NOTE! It's a good idea to attach your name and address, from the wrapper around your magazine, to your renewal order. \ No More Financial Worries and we’ve done something fine for the Old Book

Daniel Rose, Director Trustee, Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Elder, Church of the Open Door The Bible Institute of Los Angeles maintains a J e w i s h Department whose ministry deals with the preach­ ing of the Gospel to God's ancient people, Israel. From this office go out thousands of pieces of literature especially prepared to interest the Jews. Also many of the students are engaged in visitation work, calling upon the Jewish people and inviting them to the meetings. Teams of stu­ dents hold regular street meetings in places where an audience can be se­ cured. Various prayer meetings are held and every Sunday at 4 p. m. in the lower auditorium of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles a mass meet­ ing is held with fine speakers. You are invited to pray for the work of the Jewish Department, and to sup­ port this ministry by your prayers and gifts.

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A. Stewart MORSEL ALONE? The prayers of all the readers of the King's Business are earnestly solicited. •Subscribe to TH E GOSPEL FOR TH E CONTINENT, our official missionary paper. Co-editors James A. Stewart, and Dr H er­ bert Lockyer. 50c per year. Read about the early life of James Stew­ art. Attractive booklet, MY STORY, 50c postpaid. W rite youi nearest office for literature or information. 1179 Delaware Ave. Buffalo 9, N. Y. 602 Witherspoon Bldg. Philadelphia 7, Pa. 4 Gowan Ave. Toronto 6, Ontario, Canada 20 Algie St. Glasgow S. I. Scotland JAMES A. STEWART Founder and General Director Mrs. R. E. Neighbour. Home Director

Address all communications to DANIEL ROSE, Director Jewish Department Bible Institute of Los Angeles 558 S. Hope Street Los Angeles 13, California


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ACROSS THE DESK of the Associate Editor W E have had occasion to become acquainted with s o m e of the executives of a national broadcasting chain, and find them riot at all anti- Christian in their attitude, Perhaps the reason why so many religious broadcasters have had to leave the airways is b e c a u s e of poor pro­ gramming. 'if The second book by Dr. Wendell Loveless has made its ap­ pearance—this one is on methods of Gospel broadcasting. IT S p e n t two weeks at a summer Bible conference and am convinced that this is the ideal vacation for Christian young people, combining fun with benefit, and fellowship with spiritual growth, if The demand for space in our col­ leges and institutes seems to exceed all records. It grieves our hearts to turn down more than three hundred applicants to the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Before me are some of the many letters from sorely disap­ pointed young people for whom we have no room. Surely it is wrong to have to turn down such earnest and potentially useful youth, but what can we do? We are filled to capacity. Statistics indicate that the veteran G. I. makes a good student. He is eager to learn, which is more than can be said for the average matric­ ulant. As someone has facetiously remarked: “College bred is a four year loaf!” It is interesting to note the way in which faith mis­ sion societies have grown. Even dur- the difficult years of the war, suf­ ficient means were secured to recruit and send forth scores of missionary volunteers. ^ It has been demon­ strated convincingly that a radio pro­ gram helps a church greatly in the matter of attendance. At the Church of the Open Door in Los Angeles, where an .extensive radio ministry is carried on, there is scarcely a Sunday in which there are not hundreds of visitors, whose interest was aroused by radio, ff The same troubles in the paper industry persist. However, the end may be in sight as labor and transportation difficulties are being solved, Many requests for publicity reach our desk and most of them are worthy of space, but we feel that only material bearing on the furtherance of the Gospel should be accepted for publication. Glad to see the an­ nouncement of the revived Sunday school convention to be held at Moody Church in Chicago, October 2-6. Have been enjoying the gracious ministry of Dr. Walter L. Wilson of Kansas City, Missouri. His Gospel presentation is unique. He employs the wonders of nature to illustrate the most profound doctrinal truths. Not only do his audiences listen raptly, but they remember his messages in full.

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S Published Monthly by and Representing The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated

Ransom Marvin John Bazart Illustrators

William W. Orr, D.D. Associate Editor

Louis T. Talbot, D.D. Editor in Chief

Betty Bruechert, Managing Editor Copyright 1946, The King’s Business, all rights reserved. No part o} this magazine may he reproduced without permission. Vol. 37 Y O U T H NUMB E R No. 9 SEPTEMBER, 1946 CONTENTS C O V E R : Three Biola Students in front of the Institute building. Flaming Youth . . . or Youth Aflame? Samuel H . Sutherland ......... 367 Six Good Reasons for Attending a Bible Institute, R . A. Torrey ....... 368 A re Modern Youth Rallies Worth-while? M ildred M . Cook ............ 369 Editorially Speaking................. ................................................................ 372 Th e Bible Book of the Month, Jofin A . Hubbard ................................ 374 The Bible Institute on the A ir ............. .................................................. 376 The Bible in the News....... .................................................................... 377 ‘‘Sixty Wonderful Years,” P . W . Philpott ............................................ 378 Th e Door Opens in Japan, Carl L . Blackler ........ ............................. 379 Biola Family Circle........................................................................ .......... 380 Greek W ord Treasures, Bernard Ramm .... ........................................... 381 Devotional Readings, lone Lowman ...................................................... 382 Book Reviews, W illiam TV. O rr .......... ................................................. 384 Junior King’s Business, Martha S. Hooker ...... ................................... 385 Dr. Talbot’s Question Box......................................... ............................. 387 Young People’s Topics, D r. W alter L . Wilson .... ............................... 388 I t ’s an Idea, Carlton C. Buck ............... — i............................... ............ 389 Sunday School Lessons............................................................................ 394 Object Lessons for October.......... ......................................................... 402 SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION— "The King's Business” is published monthly: $2.00, one yr.; $1.00, six months; 25 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. W rite for details. Canadian and foreign subscriptions 25 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REM ITTANCES—Payable in advance, should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to “ The King’s Business." Date of expiration will show plainly on outside wrapper or cover of magazine. ADVERTISING—For information, address the Advertising Manager, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 13, California. MANUSCRIPTS— “ The King’s Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts sent in for consideration. Entered as second-class matter November 7, 1938, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California, under the Act of March 3. 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28. 1925, embodied in paragraph 4, section 538, P. L. and R., authorized October 1, 1918, and November 13, 1938. ADDRESS: The King’s Business, 558 So. Hope St., LOs Angeles 13, Calif.


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From British Guiana “ W e find your magazine a real spiritual tonic to our Christian life.” William I. Ramsay Demerava, British Guiana Dr. Hubbard's Page “ I enjoy every page of the magazine; especially Dr. Hubbard’s Bible Book of the Month, which is most profitable, and ex­ pressed in such a way that anyone can understand it. In every page there is a won­ derful blessing for shut-ins.” Santa Rosa, C a lif. Mrs. J. Winter The May Issue “ I especially liked Dr. Aldrich’s family’s picture on the cover. I have been a sub­ scriber to your magazine since 1930, and hope I never have to do without it.” Longview, Tex. Mrs. Lydia Pickens “ The May issue is especially good. The cover' showing Mrs. Aldrich and her attrac­ tive little children gathered around her read­ ing the Bible is an inspiration. I would like to place many copies of this magazine in homes where there are children.” Laurens, S. C. Ruth Watkins '“ May I add another word of praise for your1 splendid Christian magazine? “ Thank you for sharing ‘Mother’ by Mrs. ■Willard M. Aldrich with us. What an inspi­ ration to see the Aldrich fam ily!” Kingston, Pa. Mrs. E. E. Quay Dr. Lowman's and Dr. Wilson's Pages “ It is hard for me to put my finger on one special feature of The King’s Business that I most enjoy; they are all inspiring to my Christian life. The Devotional Readings and the Young People’s departments are always a blessing.” Omaha, Nebr. Mrs. Oakley M. Krogh Recommended by Pastor “ I would like to subscribe for The King’s Business for two years. Our pastor has rec­ ommended it highly to me.” Seaside, Ore. Mrs. Leslie Trueblood From a 31-Year Subscriber “ I have taken The King’s Business since about 1915. I praise the Lord for the won­ derful work Biola has done, and will do in the days to come. May God supply its needs till Jesus comes.” Galesburg, III. Mrs. W . E. Mulllner Mrs. Hooker's Page “ I have enjoyed your magazine very much; especially the Junior King’s Business divi­ sion. It has helped me in my children’s work.” Granite Falls, Wash. Beverly Younglove The June Magazine “ The June King’s Business is at hand, and we like the cover picture. Also have enjoyed the editorials. Thanks very much for the article on the use of tobacco.” Victoria, B. C., Canada George Tester A Teaching Aid “ I believe your magazine would be of great benefit to me in teaching an adult women’s Sunday school class.” Annie G. Hedges, D.O. Hickman Mills, Mo. Dr. Orr's Page “ Have been reading and enjoying The KingVs Business; seems to me it gets better and better. I think the Editorially Speaking column ¿s especially ^ood. The covers are

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© Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland Dean of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles

T HERE are two groups of young people in the world today. One is called “flaming youth." But aflame.” Flaming youth is burning out for the devil; youth aflame is burning out •for the Lord. Flaming youth has its mind and heart burning up with lust and passion; youth aflame has a heart warm toward the Lord. Flaming youth is interested in thé devil’s literature; youth aflame ig interested in God’s Word. Flaming youth is interested in the devil’s pleas­ ure; youth aflame is interested in pleasing the Lord. Flaming youth is running at breakneck speed in the paths of sin and licentiousness; youth aflame is walking in the will of the Lord. Flaming youth is on the road to hell; youth aflame is on the road to . Glory. The destiny of flaming youth is that place where “their worm d i e t h not, and the fire is not quenched” ; the destiny of youth aflame is that place prepared by the Lord Jesus Christ for a ll who put their trust in Him. Someone once said with a note of despair in his voice, "Oh dear, boys will be boys!” But another overheard this remark, and with a triumphant sound in his voice, he replied, “Yes, but boys will be men.” And the kind of .merj of tomorrow that the boys of today will become depends in a large measure upon the leadership which we can give them in studying the Word of God, in forming their convic­ tions, and in applying the everyday •Christian principles which we long to see them express in their daily lives.

Young people are confronted with problems and temptations which were never heard of by the older genera­ tion in the days when we were young, and if we are honest enough to face the facts, we wiil have to admit that some of the biggest problems which they encounter today are those which were created by us. The war which has recently been halted with victory coming to our armed forces was not started by the younger generation. The complex international affairs which apparently are bringing ruin­ ation to this present civilization are not of their making. The enormous moving picture industry which is hav­ ing such a destructive influence upon our young people is not directed or managed by the young people them­ selves. The promoters. of the saloon, the brothel, the liquor interests, the dens of iniquity and vice, and the great gambling r a c k e t s throughout the country are not young people; all of these enterprises are conducted'by people of the older generation. True, they appeal to the youth of today, but these young people are the vic­ tims, whether willingly or not, of those who care absolutely nothing for their souls, but only for their dollars. When­ ever a young person goes astray, it is because an older person led him in that direction, or at least an older person neglected to lead him in the right direction. Let us be honest and face these facts, and let us humble ourselves be­ fore the Lord, admitting our miserable failure, and asking His forgiveness. We must recognize our responsibility

before it is too late. This is ño time to wring our hands in despair and glumly complain about the “flaming youth” of toddy. The need is for us to try to understand the problems which they are facing and to display that degree of patience which the Lord alone can give in leading our young people through the maze of today’s perplexities, and on to adult­ hood where they will be able in some degree to settle down and think de­ liberately upon the problems Which have been confronting them. The average young person is utterly bewildered as he looks at life. These conditions in the world weré not of his making, nor are they of his choos­ ing. Nevertheless he must face them. It is no wonder that sometimes in his bewilderment he reacts in a manner which we with oür superior wisdom might not countenance. But even with this superior wisdom, which is sup­ posed to come with the advancing years, there is not much indication that we who are older are making such a monumental success of life anyway. Even in Christian circles, the young people of today see in the older generation too much of strife, back­ biting, petty jealousies, church fac­ tions and fights, gossip that rips and tears another’s character and reputa­ tion, spiritual pride, pride of humility, lack of reverence, worldliness, and a partial or total lack of spirituality. The younger generation looks at us who are supposed to be their spiritual leaders and the spectacle which they observe is not very inviting or en­ couraging to, them in their own spir-

there is another great group, “youth


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

lx Good Reasons For Attending a Bible Institute By REV. R. A . TO R R EY , D.D. 1. The student gains that knowl­ edge of the Bible as a whole which every Christian needs as a basis for his studies of particular doctrines and individual passages of the Word of God. In those training schools and Bible Institutes which are well organ­ ized, every student is required to cover the entire Bible during his course. He is compelled to read every book in the Bible according to the so-called syn­ thetic method of study, and has class training in this mode of study; and he is also required to give a synopsis of every chapter in the Bible, answering five questions on every chapter, these five questions giving him a grip on the chapter as a whole, in its setting. ¡ 2. He gains a ¡systematic knowledge of all the great doctrines of the Bible. He is required to study every great Bible truth as it is presented in the Bible, finding every passage in the Bible that bears upon that doctrine, and interpreting the passage as it is found in its setting in the Bible. He comes out of the training school, knowing what he believes and why he believes it, and having his views of truth in a systematic and usable shape so that he is always able to tell people just what the Bible teaches. 3. He is taught how to do personal work. This is taught in a systematic way in the classroom, and he is re­ quired to put the knowledge gained in the classroom into practical use in living contact' with others. He comes out of the training school an accomplished soul-winner. He knows how to diagnose the cases of the var­ ious men and women he meets, and how to give them from God’s own Word just the medicine they need. 4. He is taught the most modern and most aggressive methods of reach­ ing men. He is taught how to acquire material for addresses, and how to put the material into good shape, how to prepare addresses that produce re­ sults, and how to deliver the addresses so that the desired results are brought about. He learns homiletics in the most practical way, in a way that he can follow in his work all the re­ mainder of his life. He is never at a loss for a subject to preach about, and he always knows how to preach about it. 5. He gets a great spiritual uplift. He finds out whether he is really a regenerate man or not; and, if he is a regenerate man, he is taught how to develop a Christian character sym- ( Continued on Page 392)

itual lives. Altogether too many of the so-called “pillars of the church” who would try to impress the young people with their spirituality may be observed sitting very quietly in church; but it is not because they are exhibiting so much reverence; it is because they are sound asleep. It is no wonder that our youth enter the house of God laughing, engaged in untimely enthusiasm, and manifest­ ing unbounded exuberance which we oldsters have forgotten we once pos­ sessed. No, young people today are not the primary problem. They are only re­ flecting the problem as it exists in the lives, actions, and attitudes of the members of the older generation. The remedy is rather simple, but alas, it is very humiliating to us. In that sense, it is very difficult. We must first of all “set our own house in order.” We must practice what we preach. We must live what we pro­ fess. We must reveal the love of the Lord as it is shed abroad in our hearts. We must show a spirit of lov­ ing co-operation and sympathetic un­ derstanding, instead of a spirit of jealousy, bitterness, and bickering. It is true that young people of the world are going their merry way to hell at breakneck speed, but we must remem­ ber that they are merely following in the footsteps of the older people who are leading the way. Young peo­ ple today are to be challenged, not condemned; they are to be sympa­ thized with, not criticized; they are to be led, not driven. There is nothing unusually wrong \yith them that can­ not be directly attributed to the lead­ ing of the older people. As a matter of fact, the only evi­ dence of real revival in our country today is on the part of young people and children. They are the ones who are turning to the Lord Jesus Christ, not the older folks. The great Chris­ tian youth movements throughout the land, conducted by youth, led by youth, with the results primarily ben­ efiting youth, are an evidence of a spiritual awakening—not on the part of older people, but on the part of young people themselves. Here lies the hope for tomorrow. Criticism has been directed toward these youth movements, but that criti­ cism has come in the main from older people who themselves have never turned a hand toward solving the problems which exist. It is easy to criticize; it does not require much intelligence to condemn. And yet, we hear all too often words of condem­ nation from the lips of those who ought to be extending a helping hand, who ought to be backing every youth work that honors the Lord Jesus Christ. It is readily admitted that young people today are far from what they ought to be, but so are we. The chasm

that exists between them and the older generation must be bridged. They cannot. Understand how we feel because they have never passed through our experiences. It is up to us, therefore, to remember how we ourselves felt when we were their .age; when we thought as they are thinking, when our lives were before us as their lives are before them. And, as those years of long ago are re­ called, it will help us to understand and appreciate a little more their problems today. It ought to make us a bit more patient with them. It ought to challenge us to-do something in their behalf and to let them know that we and they together, in /the strength of the Lord Jesus Christ and directed by the Holy Spirit, can meet the challenge of today and do the work which is set before us to ac­ complish. It will do us good to recall the moving words of the poem: The Bridge Builder An old man going a lone highway Came at the evening cold and gray To a chasm vast and deep and wide. The old man crossed in the twilight dim, The sudden stream had no fears for him; But he turned when safe on the other side, And built a bridge to span the tide. “Old man,” said a fellow pilgrim near, “You are wasting your time with building here. You never again will pass this way. Your journey w ill end with the closing day. You have crossed the chasm deep and wide, Why build you this bridge at evening tide?” The builder lifted his old gray head. “Good friend, in the way that I’ve come,” he said, “There followed after me today A youth whose feet must pass this way. This stream that has been as naught to me To the fair-haired youth might a pit- fall be. He, too, must cross in the twilight dim, Good friend, I am building the bridge for him.” —Silent Partner.



Are Modern

Youth Rallies



T HE plump Scotch wife of a famous preacher had an answer ready. When people remarked about the effectiveness of her husband’s ministry, she Gospel!" The “good Gospel” is being sounded forth today in a manner different from yesterday. “Youth for Christ” groups, which sprung up no longer ago than the recent war years, are functioning in more than seven hundred centers on the American continent' and in thirty-two foreign countries. In Minneapolis there is the largest regular attendance; newspapers announce that 6,000 “ bobby soxers” and their friends attend each week. Toronto and Chicago each average 3,000, while Los An­ geles welcomes to its downtown center at the Bible Institute and Church of the Open Door an enthusiastic crowd of 2,000 each Saturday night, and often twice that number. Furthermore, frequent mammoth mass meetings have been held since the first one, in 1944, at Madison Square Garden, in New York City,, drew 20,000 participants and set the pace for future effort. To return to more recent instances—some 50,000 heard the Good News at Soldier Field, Chicago, on Memorial Day of this year, when Charles E. Fuller, direc­ tor of radio’s Old-Fashioned Revival Hour, and a gradu­ ate of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, spoke at the second annual youth rally held in that famous arena. Again, 18,000 listened to the message of salvation in the fabulous Hollywood Bowl on June 29 when Percy B. Crawford, another Biola alumnus, President of King’s College, and pastor of the Young People’s Church of the Air, addressed an eager throng. Other thousands overseas heard G o d’s challenge when a team of four Youth for Christ leaders spent seven weeks in the British Isles and Europe this spring, help­ ing young people in various war-stricken countries in their determination to go forward in Christ’s name. The question may arise: Are these popular meetings for youth worth-while? Skeptical observers are to be found outside the church tnd in it, although they are reported to be a weak ninority. Labels of "fascist,” “anti-labor,” “ anti-Semitic” have been attached to this work by its enemies. Liberals and modernists have fought the movement with fierce but futile gestures. Some so-called fundamental agencies

A section of the Choir at the Hollywood Bowl Rally—Photograph by Los Angeles Examiner.

would reply sweetly, “Yes . . . he preaches such a good

have declined support on the ground that the conversions resulting from prevailing methods cannot be genuine. Christians whose sympathies are strictly in line with the soul-saving objective see, nevertheless, points which they feel could be strengthened. Every individual must formulate his own opinion as to what positive benefits result from the present up­ surge of interest in youth evangelism. As an aid to this evaluation it may be helpful, therefore, to observe certain scenes sketched in their place in the broad picture. What Happened in Chicago On the memorable night of May 30, at least 685 persons, ranging in age between seven and seventy-three, knelt on the grass of Soldier Field in Chicago, ready to to accept Christ as Saviour. Other hundreds joined them, in dedication of their lives for Christian service. Thus some 2,500 individuals bowed at the edges of the huge cross which was laid out on the picturesque field—men and women and children whose dealings with Christ were personal and definite'. A police captain declared, “This is the most out­ standing meeting in over twenty years here in Soldier Field. I ’ve been here for every type of gathering, but this is by far the greatest thing I’ve ever seen.” A Christian leader who has spent over a quarter of a century in nation-wide evangelism, remarked, “This is the most wonderful thing I believe I’ve ever seen.” One may ask what was the secret of the spontaneous response of young people and others to the invitation on Christ’s behalf. Answering that question, one Chicago writer, R. S. Wilson, made these observations which were later published in the United Evangelical: “It was not the greatness of the message that ac­ counted for the response. The message was very simple, based on a verse of Scripture which had helped the speaker to yield his own life to Ch r i s t . It was not oratorical, not striking, not humorous, not emotional. “Neither was it the method used that was responsible for getting the large number of converts. Those desiring salvation were asked to do something that required ef­ fort. To reach the place where they were asked to come, it was necessary to find their way to four special aisles

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


listened could conclude that yielding to the Saviour was ever a transaction of slight significance, either from God’s standpoint or from man’s. There is basis for Dr. Crawford’s directness. He told the crowd that as a young man, slumped in a seat in the Church of the Open Door in Los Angeles, he was jarred into awareness of his own need of salvation through a Bible-studded message on hell and how to escape it. That night the “why” of salvation loomed before him as a vivid and inescapable truth. It still does. “Boy!” exclaimed a youngster who was one of the more than five hundred impelled to a c t i o n by the speaker’s clear-cut invitation to accept Christ. “He sure gives it out straight!” In Hollywood, as had been the ease in Chicago as well, other young people came forward to yield their lives to Christ for His service. Under a clear, starry sky, some 2,000 individuals pressed forward to the base of the plat­ form. They represented eighty-three towns and cities, ten states of the Union and two foreign countries, and thirty-eight denominations. Not a few of them had been stirred by the report of Christian heroism among other young people abroad, which had been strikingly pre­ sented earlier in the evening. What Happened in Sweden Having either witnessed or heard of it, who could forget the scene in Sweden? Stockholm’s Immanuel Covenant Cathedral was packed to the doors for a youth rally. The night was cold and wet, with snow melting slushily underfoot. Four thousand people, many of them journeying long distances, squeezed into the pews of this historic old church. After the early comers, some three thousand others crowded in, tightly binding the edges of the crowd and filling the aisles all the way to the platform. Through a long evening they listened, eagerness written large on faces rosy with health. What these young people heard did something to them, something unpremeditated. Through the cathedral a whisper ran, at first a half-sob, then a half-shout, and finally a great chorus of young voices: “Vi vill ga! V i vill ga!” Spontaneously, the chant swelled. The congregation rose as one man. Tears streamed down young faces as

marked only by flares at the foot of the steps where they could cross over the high wall separating the seats from the field. Once they were on the field, they had to walk several hundred feet from some sections, in full view of the'vast audience. Yet they came. “ Furthermore, the invitation was given abruptly; little was said to lead up to it. After speaking for some twenty minutes from the Word of God, Dr. Fuller an­ nounced that they would have ‘an old-fashioned altar service.’ Many people who could see the difficulties in­ volved thought it was foolish to attempt . . . “The greatest human cause for the manifestation of the Spirit of God at Soldier Field was the prayers of thousands of believing Christians." Prayer had been ascending to God on behalf of this meeting for months. Entire days of prayer were held in the city and vicinity. Friends all over the world united in beseeching God for this rally. Ushers met in various sections for prayer during the afternoon. Thus it was that when the beloved radio preacher announced, “Let’s sing a hymn— ‘Just as I am, without one plea, . . . O Lamb of God, I come’,” he was addressing a prayed-up and prayed-for congrega­ tion. The results are well known. A few weeks later, a similar rally was held in Southern California to which not only Los Angeles con­ stituents came, but also delegations from as far away as Ventura and Bakersfield on the north, and Riverside on the south. What Happened in Hollywood June 29 was a glorious night in the Hollywood Bowl, the occasion of the second Youth for Christ rally held there. Far up on the purplish-black slopes of the sur­ rounding hills, lights gleamed as each person struck a match and held it up at a given signal—symbol of the effectiveness of united testimony. Some 18,000 young people, their parents and their friends, had climbed the eucalyptus-lined approaches to this f a m e d outdoor amphitheater, not to enjoy the talent of some world celebrity, but to take part in a program that exalted Christ. Around three mighty words, “ God spared not,” Percy Crawford, the climaxing speaker, wove a powerful two- part discourse on the awfulness of human sin and the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. No one who



T H E H O L L Y W O O D Courtesy Los Angeles Examiner



War Veteran attends

President Torrey Johnson in action

Dr. Percy Crawford



the fervent promise rang out: “We will go! We will go!” This was the response of Swedish Christians to the challenge of Germany’s need for the Gospel which they had just heard. The occasion was a meeting in Stockholm on April 11, 1946, conducted by members of a team of four Youth for Christ leaders from the United States and Canadá. These young men, answering urgent r e q u e s t s from pastors and youth leaders abroad, visited strategic Euro­ pean centers and other communities in the interests of youth evangelism. In less than two months, they traveled 20,000 miles and held over one hundred meetings. On this night, the speaker was Torrey M. Johnson, President of Youth for Christ International. He preached the Gospel in its purity and compactness as found in Romans 1:14-16: “I am debtor . . . I am ready . . . I a m not ashamed.” Himself of Scandinavian ancestry, he spoke man to man of Sweden’s debt of gratitude, not only for individual salvation through Christ, but also for the prosperity of this land (greater even than that of the United States). He mentioned its freedom from war for more than one hundred years, and its acknowledged piety, evidenced by reverence for the Word of God on the part of its king and people. Dr. Johnson forcefully reminded the Swedes that they—and apparently they only—are “ready” to take the Gospel into Germany today: that is, ready in the sense of being at once willing and acceptable. Repeated attempts of Americans and the British have failed to gain them entrance to the land of the swastika, and even if the requests had been honored, undoubtedly repre- sentatives of these nations would not have been wel­ comed. The challenge was to Swedish youth. Unashamed, they rose in God’s strength to accept it. What About the Other Countries? The Youth for Christ team visited ten European capitals: London, Edinburgh, Belfast, Dublin, Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Oslo, and Stockholm, and also carried on an extensive itinerary in England, Scotland, and Ireland. Everywhere they helped to estab­ lish regular week-by-week youth programs or, where these were already in progress, they stimulated them to greater usefulness. London now welcomes some 3,000 each week. In Liverpool, Central Hall accommodates 2,500 and during the visit of the team, when the Liver­ pool stadium boxing arena was rented, 3,500 were present. It is little wonder, then, that as young people in the Hollywood Bowl listened to the intrepid Torrey Johnson report on spiritual victories that had been witnessed abroad, they too were stirred to yield their lives to Christ for service. Hundreds of them came forward, in* dicating this dedication to Him. I talked with Torrey, Johnson while he was in Los Angeles about this question: “Are Modem Youth Rallies Worth-while?” To him, there can be only one answer. “Big meetings,” he declared, “bring into prominence be­ fore the community our evangelical faith and the cause of evangelism, and anything that does that has accom­ plished something." He spoke of the contribution which Youth for Christ has made in coping with the problem of juvenile de­ linquency. “ I congratulate you,” J. Edgar Hoover, direc­ tor of the Federal Bureau of Investigation wrote, “for your worth-while efforts.” And the mayor of Toronto affirmed, “This is the greatest power for good in Toronto.” The mayor of Seattle, Dr. Johnson pointed out, called attention publicly to a period of nine months in 1945 when Youth for Christ had been active in that city, and gave credit to this organization, among others, for a decline of thirty-three per cent in juvenile delinquency.

WHAT MAKES THE DIFFERENCE? “The difference between the sinner and the saint is that the saint hates his sin and pleads the blood of Christ, whereas the sinner loves his sin and goes Lack into it. The saint is like a sheep. It may fall into a mud hole, but it is not comfortable there and will bleat until the shepherd lifts it out. and thereafter will avoid that mud hole by ten rods. 'The sinner is like a pig. It goes about looking for slime pits, and when it finds one, it slides in with a grunt of glee and will squeal vehement objections if you try to pull it out, and no sooner is it out than it will re­ turn to the slime pit again." —M. R. DeHaan, M.D.

CHRIST AND PETER THE LOOK The Saviour looked on Peter. Ay, no word, No gesture of reproach: the heavens serene, Though heavy with armed justice, did not lean Their thunders that way: the forsaken Lord Looked only on the traitor. None record What that look was, none guess; for those who have seen Wronged lovers loving through -a death-pang keen, Or pale-cheeked martyrs smiling to a sword, Have missed Jehovah at the judgment-call. And Peter, from the height of blasphemy,— “ I never knew this man”—did quail and fall As knowing straight THAT GOD, and turned free And went out speechless from the face of all, And filled the silence, weeping bitterly. THE MEANING OF THE LOOK I think that look of Christ might seem to say, “Thou Peter! art thou, then, a common stone Which I at last must break my heart upon, For all God’s charge to His high angels may Guard my foot better? Did I yesterday Wash thy feet, my beloved, that they should run Quick to deny me ’neath the morning sun?

And do thy kisses, like the rest, betray? The cock crows coldly.—Go, and manifest A late contrition, but no bootless fear; For, when thy final need is dreariest, Thou shalt not be denied, as I am here: My voice to God and angels shall attest, Because I know this man, let him be clear.”

—Elizabeth Barrett Browning.

It was evident that the President of Youth for Christ International was not only grateful for these nation-wide achievements which God had wrought, but that he also bore a tremendous burden for what he calls “ the con­ servation of results.” He declares that more and more effort must be made to see to it that every young person who accepts Christ as Saviour, or volunteers for Christ tian service, shall immediately and continuously “grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.” To this end, increasing emphasis is being placed on Bible study and memorization. “ Always ‘there remains very much land to be pos­ sessed’,” Torrey Johnson declared, “But what a Gospel we have! What a conquering Lord! What a challenge!”


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Welcome, New Students A GAIN THE first of this month of ■ September Biola opens her doors to a new group -of young men and _young women. This class is going to be vastly different from all others, for It will be truly a selected number. More than 500 applications for en­ trance this year were received, but only 200 new students could be ac­ cepted. A large number of those ma­ triculating are G. I. veterans. We bid you new students a sincere welcome. These are unusual days in which we are now living. Stupen­ dous events have occurred; strange things may yet come to pass. The day of the Lord’s coming may be near. However, it may be that His return has been delayed in order to enable you to prepare yourself to carry the message of life to the lost. Surely since you have been allowed to come to the Bible Institute while others have been refused, you will put forth every effort into diligent study and real accomplishment for the Lord. Each new class calls for more prayer helpers. Readers of The King's Business are urged to remember these students daily before the Throne of Grace. Bible institutes may provide classrooms and teachers, offer courses of study, but genuine preparation for Christian service can only come by the Holy Spirit of God, in answer to believing prayer. ★ ★ Better Paper ■piOR ABOUT eight years The King's Business has been printed on a highly absorbent paper since this was the only stock which could be em­ ployed in the high speed rotary type of printing available to us. We have not been satisfied with this, but dur­ ing the war years, no change could be made. However, with the October is­ sue, you will find the former smooth white paper resumed. We feel that be­ cause of its greater readability and legibility and improved appearance, this is definitely a forward step for the magazine. The type will be much clearer and the half-tones sharper. With this change, however, we are forced to announce an increase in the subscription price which is necessary not only through the change in paper, but by ever-mounting costs in mate­ rials and labor. We sincerely trust that our readers w ill understand, and w ill

continue to favor us with their sub­ scriptions. The increase will amount to only fifty cents per year which is not much for twelve full issues. ★ ★ “Third” rpHE THEME of a certain young people’s conference was one word, “Third.” It was printed on a little button attached to coat or dress. There was no explanation — just the one word. Of course, we were curious. “Third” what? The answer was, “ I’m third.” We still did not understand. “Third what or who?” Then the theme was explained. It seems that at this particular conference the delegates were urged to put the Lord Jesus Christ first- in their lives; then their second thought was to be for others— not in the sense of a mere charitable interest, but in connection with the relationship of others to God’s Son. Self was to be last—not a bad motto. What happened to those who prom­ inently displayed this little button? No doubt, they excited some little in­ terest, and aroused some questions. In the classroom, in the grocery store, on the street, folks would want to know the meaning of “Third.” So op­ portunity would be opened to explain the ambition that Christ should be first. It would also provide the incen­ tive for a personal “check-up” on the part of the wearer to ascertain if the Lord Jesus still occupied the throne o f his heart. Not all Christians could wear but­ tons declaring “Third.” But the idea is sound. How is it in your life? Who is first? Who is second? Who is third? TT WAS AT a young people’s summer Bible conference. It was the time of sunset; surrounded by stately pine trees, a group of young people formed a circle. One after another, they had stood to their feet, telling of the bless­ ing from the Lord that had been theirs. Then the leader asked the group to bow their heads in prayer. He asked them to forego praying for the church at home, the missionaries on far fields, the needs of friends and relatives, and to concentrate on ask­ ing for their own spiritual needs. One young lad expressed an unforgettable ★ ★ Pine Tree Christian

prayer: “ Lord, make me a Pine Tree Christian.” To one familiar with the woods, this illustration ic most effective. The pine tree is straight. Seldom is there a crooked one. Right up into the sky they reach, pointing toward their Cre­ ator. So should the Christian be straight, true, honest, upright, daily pointing out to those who watch him the ability of his God to make his life a benediction. The pine tree is clean. It is physi­ cally beneficial to live among them. They are redolent of medicine. Many a physician has ordered his patient into the pine country to regain his health. A child of God, too, ought to be clean: in mind, in body, in his influence. The roots of the great pines of the forest reach down until they grasp the mighty rock and there they are anchored. This is necessary in order to withstand the storms that will surely beat upon them.The spirit­ ual application is clear: Christ is the Rock; and the Christian who would stand true in times of stress and strain must have a sure foundation. Some have not taken hold upon Christ as they should; the “roots” of God’s children should be bound fast in Him. The pine tree is green. Who has ever seen them in other colors, except when they are dead? Green is the color of growth and health; green is the sign of life and service. The Christian ought to be green—not in the slang sense indicative of ignorance, but green in the sense of daily growing in grace. The pine tree Is pointing. All of its branches turn upwards on the ends. Ever it testifies daily to the power and wisdom of its Creator. There is no disobedience; there is no unbelief. So as Christians our lives should ever point Heavenward. As one observes the pine tree, tall and i.oble citizen of the forest, he notes that about the base are growing young pine saplings. The pine tree, in the plan and purpose of God, repro­ duces itself in young life, for the older tree must die eventually and can only live on in its children. As a Christian, we have the opportunity to produce other believers. Around each of us, other young Christian lives should be growing. I am not sure if the young lad who prayed had all of this in mind, but his words suggest much to our hearts.



One Organization Needed TT IS QUITE understandable that our government would rather deal with one organization representing Ameri­ can Protestantism than with scores of smaller groups. While the Federal Council of Churches has spoken for the liberals, there has been no united voice for the conservatives. There is little doubt that we have failed to secure our rightful privileges and al­ locations simply because there was no regularly constituted voice to speak for us. To remedy this situation, a number of associations have been formed, en­ listing support of evangelical groups. Some good has been accomplished already and progress is being made to acquaint both government' leaders and the nation at large of the pres­ ence of a large group of evangelical believers who are not, and do not wish to be, represented by the Fed­ eral Council. But* oh, how desirable it would be to have one organization which would' be both true to the Bible and. chari­ table to other believers! We are cur­ rently witnessing the efforts of sev­ eral groups to advance themselves. While these groups are doctrinally correct, there seems to be little gen­ uine unselfish effort to unite for mutual good. Surely, only harm can be done to the cause of Christ when leaders in such groups begin to “call names.” We believe that there are a number of churches and schools who would definitely be interested in supporting one organization, but who cannot join when several are functioning. Perhaps if the leaders were to come together and resolve that they would meet on their knees until this union were com­ pleted, a new day would dawn for conservative Protestantism. TTPTTHIN three days of each other, ” two of God’s mighty men recent­ ly went into the presence of the King. Both were intimately connected with that outstanding weekly, The Sunday School Times. After an illness of four years, Dr. E. J. Pace, Christian cartoonist for thirty years, died on June 19, at Hendersonville, N. C. He had drawn more than l500 cartoons for the Times many of which were reproduced in poster and slide form; his work was circulated around the world. On June 22, at his home in Moors- town, New Jersey, Dr. Philip E. How­ ard, president-publisher of the Times since 1900, also went to be with the Lord. He was a well-known author, having written fourteen books and ★ ★ Two Stalwarts Pass

numerous articles on Christian truth and practice. These staunch defenders of the faith passed on to the Church no uncertain declaration as to their confidence in the Word of God. The testimony of the Apostle Paul applies in their case: “ I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith” (2 Tim. 4:7). ★ ★ Radio Coast to Coast A N E OF THE, most progressive steps ^ that the Bible Institute of Los Angeles has taken is the beginning of a new national hook-up over the Mu­ tual network, coast to coast, on Sun­ day mornings. It is anticipated that the time will be 8 to 8:30 along the Pacific Coast, 9 to 9:30 Mountain Time, 10 to 10:30'Central Time, 11 to 11:30 Eastern Time. The broadcast w ill be directed by Dr. Wm. W. Orr, with Dr. Louis T. Talbot bringing the Bible les­ son. Music w ill be furnished by the various student groups. At a time when the large networks are cutting down on religious pro­ grams, it is a real privilege to be invited by the Mutual network to oc­ cupy this important hour. The coast to coast hour on Sunday morning will supplement the Monday, Wednesday, Friday program along the Pacific Coast. Friends of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles are urged to make this new radio venture a matter of much prayer, and to invite their friends to tune in. A complete list of stations over which the program will be re­ leased w ill be published in our Oc­ tober issue. ★ ★ Liberalism TOURING the last month, America’s foremost liberal preacher has re­ signed his pastorate to devote his time to writing. Over twenty years ago, the following article appeared in the Christian Century which clearly sets forth the difference between this preacher’s position and that of the conservative Bible scholar. We heart­ ily agree that Dr. Fosdick’s views are as far from ours as they can possibly be. “Christianity according to funda­ mentalism is one religion. Christianity according to modernism is another religion. Which is the true religion is the question that is*to be settled in all probability by our g e n e r a t i o n for future generations. There is a clash here as profound and grim as between Christianity and Confucianism. Amia­ ble words cannot hide the differences. ‘Blest be the tie’ may be sung till doomsday, but it cannot bind these two worlds together. “ The God of the fundamentalist is one God; the God of the modernist is

another. The Christ of the fundamen­ talist is one Christ; the Christ of the modernist is another. The Bible of fundamentalism is one Bible; thè Bible of modernism is another. The church, the kingdom, the salvation, the consummation of all things — these are one thing to fundamen­ talists, and another thing to modern­ ists. Which God is the Christian God, which Christ is the Christian Christ, which B i b 1e. is the Christian Bible, which church, which kingdom, which salvation, which consummation are the Christian church, the Christian kingdom, the Christian salvation, the Christian consummation? The futura w ill te’J.” * * Danger fA N SEVERAL occasions in these col- umns we have affirmed our con­ viction that God has brought about the end of World War II for a definite reason. We believe that purpose is to give the Church of Christ one last opportunity to evangelize the un­ reached areas of earth before Christ returns. The history of the ages reveals an astonishing lethargy and amazing in­ activity on the part of the church. In­ stead of its being the potent force for good God intended it to be, it has split into various groups, arguing over non-essentials. Each separate division has been woefully asleep to its chief responsibility: -the constant and consistent proclamation of the only message which will help this sin­ ful world. During the war, there were those who saw the tremendous implications of the discovery of the new and deadly atomic bomb. They were convinced that the end of the age was. near at hand and they determined that when hostilities ended, they would bend all of their efforts toward a mighty mis­ sionary advance; but, with the com­ ing of peace, they fell back into their old ways of criminal neglect of the claims and challenge o f Christ. The other things of life, harmless enough in themselves, are again receiving major attention, and the missionary enterprise is suffering at the hands of those who should be its friends. In the meantime, God waits. What is needed today is a voice to call all Christians to the completion of the task which is closest to the heart of God. Men and women who profess to love the Lord supremely should resolve that nothing w ill come between them and the evangelization of the unreached lands. We must not fall asleep; we must not be diverted into other paths; it is now or never with the proclamation of the Gospel. God grant that it may be now.

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