King's Business - 1946-09




RUSSIA FOR CHRIST The Great Challenge of This Age

different need manifested. Only by ascertaining the need will we know what line of Christian ministry to offer. Personal visits with the heart filled with God’s truth are most help­ ful in solving the problem. In this way we may find out the background of the people and thus f i n d the remedy for each ones particular need. By a personal visit, we learn whether there is a desire on their part for the leading of the Lord and the guidance of the Spirit. We may find that the people in that home are enemies of God, or that they are friends of God. Our finding will determine what we shall offer them, and we shall work intelligently in presenting from God’s Word just what is needed. There are many problems in every home. These have been multiplied by the peculiar conditions existing dur­ ing the war. Conditions which formerly seemed to be of minimum importance have been exaggerated and become maximum difficulties. People need and often desire c o u n s e l from a Christian. We should, therefore, be well-informed on the teaching of the Scripture in regard to home life, per­ sonal life and habits, ways of earn­ ing a living, social relationships, and other such matters. Thus, we will be able to offer helpful counsel as we consider the case of each inquirer. In all these matters we should mingle the Gospel, and seek to help the peo­ ple spiritually as well as temporally. In this way we give help for this life and for the next, and the result is permanent. 3. WE MAY HELP BY GIVING PER­ SONAL FELLOWSHIP. Eccl. 4:10. Every person needs a friend who will be unusually close to his heart. The Christian cannot make confi­ dential friends out of those who are enemies of his Lord, and who do not believe in prayer, or have no interest in the teaching of the Scripture. Still, the unsaved heart craves help. This is particularly true in times of great trouble, sorrow, and loss. These times offer the Christian an opportunity to share in the grief of the neighbor and help bear his burden. Frequently the heart is much softer during such times and the friend will listen under stress and pressure when he will not listen on other occasions. The Lord’s people should be quick to seize such op­ portunities to present helpful per­ sonal ministry. 4. WE MAY HELP BY PRAYER. 2 Cor. 1:11. The prayer life has unusual power. When the heart is broken, the prayer of a loving friend is effectual. As the needy one is brought into the presence of God with prayer, a strange, holy 2. WE MAY HELP BY GIVING GOD­ LY COUNSEL. Prov. 11:14.

50 R u s s ian and Ukrainian Christians have a n swe r e d the Call to carry the Gos­ pel to their people. The Bible House of Washing« ton, D.C., formerly the Italian Embassy, now the property of the Russian Bible Society, where refugee Russian ’Chris­ tians from the “ displaced per­ sons” camps in Europe will be housed and trained for missionary and Bible colpor- tage work. WILL YOU HELP?

by the Nazis in 1944, and now I am a displaced person with my family of four. I would like to attend your Bible Semi­ nary and become a missionary under the Russian Bible Society. Would it be pos­ sible for me and some other Latvian Lutheran pastors to come to the United States and enter your seminary and from there be sent as missionaries? Ij: is the most critical time we have ever seen in our lives and we would be glad to come to a country where we would be allowed to continue in our calling. I sincerely hope that you will be in a position to help in this time of need. Please give this matter your immediate attention to lift the burden from our shoulders, through the help of God. Rudolph K .” SHARE IN THIS WORK In response to these moving appeals the Russian Bible Society has decided to re­ ceive in the first instance fifty of these worthy Russian refugee Christians in our Bible Institute. W e alone cannot do it, we look for help to the Lord above, and to His faithful stewards here below. The passage of each will be $300; first year of training, room and board $50 monthly, $600; total $900. The funds are needed immediately as we desire to negotiate with the U. S. Government to bring them. How blessed it would be if 50 churches or Sunday Schools, Bible Classes or indi­ viduals would each sponsor the needs of one of these missionary candidates. This is a most unusual opportunity and priv­ ilege. Never before in the whole history

Can we, who are living in bountiful, safe America, visualize even a little bit what multitudes of our fellow Christians have gone through in Europe? Are not many of us, who are provided with all the necessities of life, in the United States, like the rich man in Christ’s parable, while the poor and wounded Lazarus of Europe is lying at our heart’s doorstep, and we notice him not, and do not hear his groanings for help? Does not the Word of God remind us of our sacred duty to our fellowmen, even if they be strangers to us, for the man who had fallen among the thieves on the way from Jerusalem to Jericho was a stranger to the Samaritan. And the name of the despised Samaritan has been changed into that of the “ Good Samaritan,” be­ cause he was moved by compassion to help a stranger from another race. APPEALS FROM EUROPE On the 29th of March, 1946, an urgent letter came to the Russian Bible Society from a refugee camp in Belgium signed by 33 Russian and Ukrainian Christians who have come through great suffering. They ask for theological and missionary training so they can return to minister to their people. As we began to pray for these first thirty-three refugees in Bel­ gium, and our hearts went out to them in increasing measure, other letters from refugee ■, Russian Christians in other camps in Europe began to reach our Washington office. A young Russian brother who had been

of America has there come an appeal from such a large number of refugee Russian Christians Aa be brought to America, and to be trained as soul winners, Bible teach­ ers, evangelists, mission­ aries and Bible colporteurs. In future through their preaching, t h o u s a n d s of Russians will come to Christ, and by helping them now, you will have a share in that great harvest of souls. Note: Pastors and churches desiring to have a personal visit from Pastor Malof. President of the Russian Bible Society, or from an­ other representative may

a Sunday school teacher in Pastor Malof’s Church in Eastern Europe writes: “ I got news about your Bible School. The brethren here desire to get to that School. Our names are in the sup­ plementary list which we shall be sending to you through an American broth­ er. I ask of you very much, please help us get to the School. My father died two years ago. My mother re­ mained weeping on the shore of the River Daugava, when I was leaving Riga. My youngest brother Enoch was arrested by the Ger­ mans and carried away

somewhere in Germany, and nothing has been heard of him since. I now turn to you as my spiritual father and ask you to do what is possible that I may get over to you.” From a refugee Lutheran pastor, writing to us under the auspices of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Augsburg, Germany: “ Dear Pastor Malof: I felt impressed to Write you and ask for special prayers. I feel as though, you can give me some advice through God. Here is my problem. I was brought here

send invitations to the Russian Bible Society, P. O. Box 2709, Washington, D. C. Readers who would like to read Pastor Malof’s thrilling life story, with 43 illustrations, “ SENTENCED TO SI­ BERIA,” the story of his missionary work in Russia, persecution, imprison­ ment, sentenced to Siberia and God’s wonderful deliverance may send their orders to the same address. Price $1.00, postpaid.

THE RUSSIAN BIBLE SOCIETY, Inc., P. 0. Box 2709, Washington, D. C. Dear Russian Bible Society: In response to your appeal in RUSSIA CALLING I have the pleasure of enclosing my gift: For the Refugee Missionary Student passage and support— .. $—........................... For the Russian Bible publishing fund— ...---— .............. .$............................ For Pastor Malof’s Life Story “ SENTENCED TO SIBERIA” $__________________ Each contributor will be kept advised of the progress of this work through the magazine “ Russia Calling” subscription deduction 50 cents. Name............................................... .......................... ..................................................................................... Address.

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