King's Business - 1946-09

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S



Points and Problems 1. "Why should it be t h o u g h t a thing incredible with you, that God should raise the dead?" (Acts 26:8). Paul’s God was not insignificant; He was titanic. One will have no trouble with the miracles of the Bible or any­ thing else beyond human compre­ hension if his conception of God is that He is big enough for such things. The Christian’s God is sufficient for every miracle found in the Bible and He is able to fulfill every promise made therein. No other God is worth serving. 2. ”1 verily thought with myself" (Acts 26:9). This expresses man’s trouble through all ages. He is con­ tinually engaging in human reason­ ing, l e a v i n g God out of all his thoughts. He is like the man of the parable in Luke 12 who “ thought within himself” (17) and went on living foolishly and without God. Here we find Paul thinking within the circle of his own human reasoning from which he comes forth with very sincere ideas concerning the, things of Christ. But they w e r e wrong con­ clusions because Christ was not in his thoughts. This illustrates the possi­ bility of being utterly sincere, ab­ solutely conscientious in thought and action, but completely erroneous in both when God does not have His rightful place in the life. 3. "I gave my voice against them" (Acts 26:10). The American Revised Version reads: “I gave my vote," which is a more literal translation. More graphic still is the Greek which says, “I cast down my pebble.” Dr. A. T. Robertson explains t h a t the

ancient Greeks used white pebbles for acquittal and black ones for con­ demnation. Figuratively s p e a k i n g, every individual has pebbles to cast for or against Christ. Every one has a vote in things spiritual. A ll care needs to be exercised lest the vote, like Paul’s, be wrongly cast. 4. "At midday . . . a light . . . above the brightness of the sun" (Acts 26:13). This takes t h e manifestation def­ initely out of the realm of the natural, and places it in the supernaturaL This remarkable outshining was not from the sun in the heavens, but from the person of the Son of God in His sovereign grace. The S on of God shines and a sinner is made to -°e. For the Children P a u l ' s N ew B e g in n in g A cts 9:1-8. 17-19 a MEMORY VERSE: “Teach me thy way, O Lord” (Psa. 27:11). Last Sunday we learned about Saul, the young Jewish boy from Tarsus. We learned that he thought that he was right in punishing and killing those who loved the Lord Jesus Christ. We found that just thinking that what we do is right does not make that thing right. Saul was journeying to the town of Damascus in search of Christians whom he planned to take as prisoners and bring back to Jerusalem to be punished for loving the Lord Jesus. As Saul was u p o n the road, “ suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven: And he fell to the earth, and heard a voice say­ ing unto him, Saul, Saul, why perse- cutest thou me? [Why do you treat me A FAMINE For the Word of God

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In China there is a famine for the Word of God since there has been al­ most no Scripture distribution in re­ cent years.

The Pocket Testament League felt the call of God to distribute Testa­ ments and Gospels among Chinese sol­ diers and students. Generalissimo Chi- ang Kai Shek and General Shang Chen, Director of the Department of Military Affairs, are both helpful and co-operative. Glenn W. Wagner, President of the Washington (D. C.) Bible Institute was sent to China to serve as executive secretary for the Pocket Testament League there. At present he is touring this country telling of the spiritual hunger he found in China and of the way Conrad Baehr and his other co­ workers are trying to meet that hunger for the Gospel,, with the aid of three large trucks purchased from the army to carry the Testaments and their personal supplies. Financial aid is greatly needed to print and distribute the Testaments and Gospels in the Chinese language. Send all contributions to: The Pocket Testament League, Inc. National Headquarters 156 Fifth Avenue Box 7-5 New York 10, N. Y.

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