King's Business - 1946-09



| Robert Harkness

the church could get along without these two men, these Christians were immediately set apart to the work whereunto the Spirit-had called them. Being in the right attitude toward God, they heard, they obeyed, they “ laid their hands on them” and “sent them away.” How beautifully simple compared with the involved processes existing in the churches today! Being “sent forth by the Holy Ghost,” these two departed, led step- by step by the Spirit who had called them. II. A t A ntioch in P isidia (A cts 13:13, 14, 44-46, 48, 49) In their journey, these two men came to Antioch in Pisidia and, going into the synagogue to meet the Jews, they proclaimed Jesus of Nazareth as the Christ, the Messiah of the Jews. As a result, there was a division among the people, and, for the most part, the Jews rejected the testimony (vs. 44-46, 48). But the Gentiles, hear­ ing that God was interested in them as well as in the Jews, received the Word gladly and many were con­ verted, “and the word of the Lord was published throughout all the region” (v. 49). III. T he R eturn to T heir B ase ( A cts 14:26, 27) Returning to the church from which they had gone forth, these two serv-

tians, he commenced to tell others about his Lord. Paul found the Christians who lived in Damascus and stayed with them for a few days, probably to learn from them more about the Christian life. He began at o n c e to go into the synagogues, or places of worship, and to preach that Jesus was the Son of God. Those who heard Paul were sur­ prised. They said, “Is not this he that destroyed them which called on this name in Jerusalem, and came hither for that intent, that he might bring them bound unto the chief priests?” (Acts 9:21). At last, the Jews planned to kill Paul because he would not stop talking about the Lord Jesus. The Jews watched the gates of the city day and night that they might kill him. Paul knew their plans, and one night some of the disciples let him down by the wall in a basket. Paul went to Jerusalem and tried to wor­ ship with the Christians there. They were all afraid of him and refused to believe that he, too, was a Chris­ tian. Perhaps they thought that he was just pretending to be a Christian that he might punish them. God sent a man named Barnabas to be a friend to Paul. Barnabas took Paul to the Christians and told them how Paul had seen the Lord Jesus, who had spoken to him, and how Paul had been boldly telling those in Damascus about his Lord. The Christians be­ lieved what Barnabas had said and welcomed Paul to worship with them. If Barnabas had not been friendly to this new Christian, Paul might have gone to another city to serve his Lord, and so these Christians would have missed the friendship of the first great missionary to the Gentiles. Perhaps some new Christian is wait­ ing for you to be friendly to him, and to introduce him to other Chris­ tians with whom he may worship God. W ill you let that boy or girl find in .you the true friend that Paul found in Barnabas? LESSON FOR OCTOBER 27 Paul’s Mission in Asia Minor LESSON M ATER IAL: Acts 13:1-5, 13, 14, 44-46, 48, 49; 14:26, 27 GOLDEN TEX T : “ It pleased God . . . to reveal his Son In me, that I miflnx preach him among the heathen" (Gal. 1:15, 16), ---------- Outline and Exposition I. C alled and A ppointed (A cts 13:1-5) The church at Antioch had a num­ ber of teachers and prophets who were used by God to awaken the spiritual perception of the disciples. As they ministered to the Lord and fasted, they heard the Holy Spirit speak. He always speaks in any church when such spiritual conditions prevail. The Holy Spirit commanded that the two ablest men of the church should be set apart as missionaries. Instead of raising questions as to how

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