King's Business - 1946-09



© Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland Dean of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles

T HERE are two groups of young people in the world today. One is called “flaming youth." But aflame.” Flaming youth is burning out for the devil; youth aflame is burning out •for the Lord. Flaming youth has its mind and heart burning up with lust and passion; youth aflame has a heart warm toward the Lord. Flaming youth is interested in thé devil’s literature; youth aflame ig interested in God’s Word. Flaming youth is interested in the devil’s pleas­ ure; youth aflame is interested in pleasing the Lord. Flaming youth is running at breakneck speed in the paths of sin and licentiousness; youth aflame is walking in the will of the Lord. Flaming youth is on the road to hell; youth aflame is on the road to . Glory. The destiny of flaming youth is that place where “their worm d i e t h not, and the fire is not quenched” ; the destiny of youth aflame is that place prepared by the Lord Jesus Christ for a ll who put their trust in Him. Someone once said with a note of despair in his voice, "Oh dear, boys will be boys!” But another overheard this remark, and with a triumphant sound in his voice, he replied, “Yes, but boys will be men.” And the kind of .merj of tomorrow that the boys of today will become depends in a large measure upon the leadership which we can give them in studying the Word of God, in forming their convic­ tions, and in applying the everyday •Christian principles which we long to see them express in their daily lives.

Young people are confronted with problems and temptations which were never heard of by the older genera­ tion in the days when we were young, and if we are honest enough to face the facts, we wiil have to admit that some of the biggest problems which they encounter today are those which were created by us. The war which has recently been halted with victory coming to our armed forces was not started by the younger generation. The complex international affairs which apparently are bringing ruin­ ation to this present civilization are not of their making. The enormous moving picture industry which is hav­ ing such a destructive influence upon our young people is not directed or managed by the young people them­ selves. The promoters. of the saloon, the brothel, the liquor interests, the dens of iniquity and vice, and the great gambling r a c k e t s throughout the country are not young people; all of these enterprises are conducted'by people of the older generation. True, they appeal to the youth of today, but these young people are the vic­ tims, whether willingly or not, of those who care absolutely nothing for their souls, but only for their dollars. When­ ever a young person goes astray, it is because an older person led him in that direction, or at least an older person neglected to lead him in the right direction. Let us be honest and face these facts, and let us humble ourselves be­ fore the Lord, admitting our miserable failure, and asking His forgiveness. We must recognize our responsibility

before it is too late. This is ño time to wring our hands in despair and glumly complain about the “flaming youth” of toddy. The need is for us to try to understand the problems which they are facing and to display that degree of patience which the Lord alone can give in leading our young people through the maze of today’s perplexities, and on to adult­ hood where they will be able in some degree to settle down and think de­ liberately upon the problems Which have been confronting them. The average young person is utterly bewildered as he looks at life. These conditions in the world weré not of his making, nor are they of his choos­ ing. Nevertheless he must face them. It is no wonder that sometimes in his bewilderment he reacts in a manner which we with oür superior wisdom might not countenance. But even with this superior wisdom, which is sup­ posed to come with the advancing years, there is not much indication that we who are older are making such a monumental success of life anyway. Even in Christian circles, the young people of today see in the older generation too much of strife, back­ biting, petty jealousies, church fac­ tions and fights, gossip that rips and tears another’s character and reputa­ tion, spiritual pride, pride of humility, lack of reverence, worldliness, and a partial or total lack of spirituality. The younger generation looks at us who are supposed to be their spiritual leaders and the spectacle which they observe is not very inviting or en­ couraging to, them in their own spir-

there is another great group, “youth

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