2022-2023 Annuals Catalog | NA

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#TopHatBegonia Show us Your Largest Blooms!

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Tophat ™ Scarlet

Unlike the competition, Tophat Begonia is an excellent item for 306 packs! Syngenta Flowers has trialed alternative options for PGR applications in 306 Pack trays to control vegetative growth of Tophat without affecting flower size or severely stunting plants. Plant Growth Regulator (PGR) for Tophat ™ Begonia in 306 Packs

• Tophat Begonias were grown in 306 Pack Trays and treated with 1 of 6 PGR treatments (a control with no PGRs was also included) and flower size measurements taken 2 weeks later. Plants were then potted up into 2.5 qt. pots to see how long it took to grow out of the PGRs and recover flower size; measurements were taken every 2 weeks. Plants were evaluated until 8 weeks post-PGR. How We Did it No PGRs ( left ) vs. 0.25 ppm Bonzi ® Drench ( right ) Tophat ™ Pink Begonia TECH TIP Once plugs have established in the finish container, B-Nine ® spray at 2,500 to 5,000 ppm is recommended to control stem elongation without reducing flower size in 1 quart or larger-sized containers. Cool finishing temperatures and high DLI maximize flower size and help control excessive leaf expansion.

Tech Tips Online! Check out our recommendations and other tech tips online. They are tailored to help growers achieve maximum germination and premium young plant quality, with Tophat ™ Begonias.

The Results

Tophat ™ White 2 Weeks after PGR treatment, 306 Pack

• 0.25 ppm Bonzi ® plant growth regulator (PGR) drench is recommended as plants will recover flower size by 4 weeks post-PGR and the consumer will still experience the extra large blooms. • Bonzi spray treatments (5−10 ppm) significantly reduced flower size, but ad good vegetative growth control. These treatments will provide lasting control for challenging retail environments. • Most plants grew out of the flower-size reducing PGRs completely by 4 weeks post-PGR, except the 1 ppm PGR drench which took 8 weeks. Although not unmarketable, this treatment negatively affects the consumer experience and is not recommended.

2,500 ppm B-9 Spray

1,250 ppm B-9 + 750 ppm Cycocel Spray

10 ppm Bonzi Spray

5 ppm Bonzi Spray

0.25 ppm Bonzi Drench

1 ppm Bonzi Drench








% reduction in flower size from the control

Source: Gilroy, CA August 2018

Tophat ™ White 4 Weeks after PGR treatment, 2.5 qt.


2,500 ppm B-9 Spray

1,250 ppm B-9 + 750 ppm Cycocel Spray


5 ppm Bonzi Spray

10 ppm Bonzi Spray

0.25 ppm Bonzi Drench

1 ppm Bonzi Drench

0% 0% 0% 3% 0% 12% % reduction in flower size from the control

Source: Gilroy, CA August 2018

Performance assessments are based upon results or analysis of public information, field observations and/or internal Syngenta evaluations. All photos are either the property of Syngenta or are used with permission.

© 2019 Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label instructions. Some products may not be registered for sale or use in all states or counties. Please check with your state or local Extension Service to ensure registration status. Some or all of the varieties may be protected under one or more of the following: Plant Variety Protection, United States Plant Patents, Utility Patents, and/or Plant Breeders’ Rights and may not be propagated or reproduced without authorization. The trademarks or service marks displayed or otherwise used herein are the property of a Syngenta Group Company. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

SFL 2131A 07-2019

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