2018-19 A year in review

BB5Y LENS September 2018 Vol 5: Issue No. Six Excellence Through Partnership


Ship shape Library exhibition

SHARING DESIGNS Following Year Six’s design of WW2 camouflage for replica boats, Abbey took the completed works to show at Thimblemill library. The whole experience allowed pupils to see an application of art and design into real-life situations. SCHOOL COUNCIL Our school council has re-started this week and the new children are all proudly wearing their new badges. All of the school’s work can be seen on our ‘School Council’ class page, accessed from http:// www.abbeyfederation.co.uk/school- council/ Children who are interested have to pitch themselves to their peers and a full democratic election takes place. Amelia, in Y4, didn’t win the majority vote but her effort made such an impression, it is worthy of sharing. One of the first jobs for the new recruits is to help with thinking about how we can develop our KS2 playground to encourage even more active lunch times and break times.

Have you got a paragraph of good news to share? Write in under 100 words, attach a picture and your story may be published. All submissions to office@abbey-jun.sandwell.sch.uk or office@abbey-inf.sandwell.sch.uk


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