Matt. 11:28. Whosoever will, let him come. Rev. 22:17. 8. Christ came to call sinners. I came not to call the righteous but sin- ners to repentance. Matt. 9:13. One of these passages would be suffi- cient to use. Combined, they give an unanswerable argument for the sinner who is bowed down with a sense of his sins. For Bible illustrations use the case of David who was a murderer and whose confession of his sin as recorded in GXDGiCDOU ask: "Are there no living v w r v people at the end of the Mil- si Y X lenium?" I suppose you mean y y after the end of the Millenium; B GXD G and by "living people," you mean people living in the flesh, and on the earth. We find seven ages follow- ing each other declared and described in Scripture, in the sixth of which we are now living. The Millennial, or sev- enth, age, the characteristics of which are so fully described, is to be fol- lowed by, in Scripture terms, the "ages of ages." Those succeeding ages are not described, or characterized. Being ages, however, they relate to earth. They are not periods transpiring in heaven, but in earth; and must be pe- riods in human history. Eternity is endless time, but time in Bible terms is divided into ages, each future age, doubtless, having some special or pecu- liar characteristic, like those now past into history, and all pertaining to men we find on earth the re-embodied, on earth. At the end of the Millennium transfigured saints, who, (2) as heirs of all things, have also the glory celes- tial; the converted Jewish nation; the Gentiles, or nations, over whom Christ is "King of Kings, and Lord of Lords"; and the apostate hordes whom Satan has stirred up against "the Lord's Anointed." The Judgment of the Great White Throne results in the eternal dis- missal of those rebellious hordes; the other living wicked, if any, survive; and the wicked' dead, raised to judg- ment, into the eternal fires. There are thus left the glorified saints; the re- newed Israel; the teeming millions of redeemed nations. We see these all at the portals of the oncoming ages,, but
Psa. 32 was met with full forgiveness. The woman at the well in the fourth of John, and the woman taken in sin in the eighth of John, the casting out of the demons who possessed the man at Gadara, in Mark 5, and the conversion of Saul of Tarsus in Acts 9, are all proof of the great truth that God loves the sinner and that God saves the sinner. Press the inquirer to an immediate decision upon the basis of Isa. 1:18, "Come now, let us reason together," and Heb. 2:3, "How Shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation?" cannot follow them because it has not been revealed what those ages have in store. But we know that all things having been subdued "unto Him . . . God shall be all in all" (1 Cor. 15:28). And this sufficiently answers your sec- ond and third questions, "Are there no righteous people then?" and "If not, when shall those living be judged?" They shall be "a|l righteous" and all judgment is therefore past. "What is meant by 'neither Jew nor Gentile'?" This was well answered by Rev. Dr. J. H. Brookes, who refering to Eph. 2:11-19; Rom. 2:26-29; Gal. 3:28; 4:28-31; which he says "undoubtedly indicate that the distinction between Jew and Gentile is obliterated in this dispensation, as to their standing before God, and their oneness in Christ. But a Jew no more ceases to be a Jew when he is converted, than a Greek ceases to be a Greek, or a Scythian a Scythian, or a woman ceases to be a woman. The same passages that tell that there is neither Jew nor Greek, tell us, also, that there is neither male nor female; and hence natural distinctions are not obliterated in Christ. But during this dispensation Jews and Gentiles alike form His body, and neither of the two classes is under law, but under grace. This, however, does not militate in the slightest degree against the plain and numerous assurances of God's word that, when the present dispensation shall have ended, He will resume His covenant relations to Israel nationally. The passages in the Old Testament to which you allude, prove the restoration of Levitical services only so far as they reflect, the glory of the reigning Lord and King of the whole earth;
Interrogation Points By J. H. S.
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